De Kotmadam is a classic Flemish comedy television series directed by Ronnie Commissaris and Wim Feyearts produced for Belgian television since 1991. The series is written by Jaak Boon and Frans Ceusters. Season 22 will be aired in fall 2015. Season 23 is currently in production.
The series revolves around Jeanne Piens (Katrien Devos), who owns a small sweet shop in the centre of Leuven and rents out several rooms of her house to students studying in the city. She is a caring type and loves all her students. Her husband Jef Liefooghe (Mark Verstraete) works for the city's gardening department. Their friend Odilon Bonheur (Odilon Mortier), a naïve warden in the local prison, visits regularly to give or seek help.
Odillon Mortier decided not to perform in season 21 due to health reasons. That's why Heman Verbruggen got a new main role in the season: Gijs, a clumsy colleague of Jef. As Mortier suddenly died on 13 August 2012, Verbruggen will also act in future seasons.
Jeanne pretends to be better than she is and brags frequently. If one of her customers goes on a vacation abroad or is going to ride the horses, she wants to do similar things. Her attempts mostly fail, but eventually she wins (or at least thinks she has the upperhand) as she forges evidence. During her trip to Spain, she just hid in her own house and went to a . In another example Mimi was on television getting flowers from her grandchild in some fictional "Thank you"-program. A jealous Jeanne also wanted to receive flowers. As the students were too busy, she just pretended to be an 18 year student, called Mieke, who wants to thank Jeanne as being the best landlady in town. Mieke was selected by the producers, but things got complicated when the producer wanted Mieke and Jeanne in the same scene. Furthermore, Jeanne exaggerates and misinterprets things. She once followed a course Chinese when one of her students was dating the daughter of the Chinese ambassador. It turned out the father ran a restaurant with similar name. In another episode, Jeanne wanted to have a liposuction but due to some miscommunication she got a piercing in her belly. In another episode she pretended to be a talented piano player and got an invitation to perform on the yearly speech of the major. By coincidence, the piano lid fell on her hand which hurt her fingers. She then had a fallacy to cancel the performance. Jeanne mostly wears old fashioned floral dresses.