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Cultural Properties of Japan

A Cultural Property (文化財 bunkazai?) is administered by the Japanese government's Agency for Cultural Affairs, and includes tangible properties (structures and works of art or craft); intangible properties (performing arts and craft techniques); folk properties both tangible and intangible; monuments historic, scenic and natural; cultural landscapes; and groups of traditional buildings. Buried properties and conservation techniques are also protected. Together these cultural properties are to be preserved and utilized as the heritage of the Japanese people.

To protect Japan's cultural heritage, the Law for the Protection of Cultural Properties contains a "designation system" (指定制度?) under which selected important items are designated as Cultural Properties, which imposes restrictions on the alteration, repair, and export of such designated objects. Designation can occur at a national (国指定文化財?), prefectural (都道府県指定文化財?) or municipal (市町村指定文化財?) level. As of 1 February 2012, there were approximately 16,000 nationally designated, 21,000 prefecturally designated, and 86,000 municipally designated properties (one property may include more than one item). Besides the designation system there also exists a "registration system" (登録制度?), which guarantees a lower level of protection and support.

