Cris Kobryn (1952) is an American technologist, system architect and entrepreneur who specializes in advanced software and systems development.
Kobryn began his software engineering career in the early 1980s specializing in AI programming languages (Prolog, Lisp, CLOS) and applications (expert systems, natural language processing). He led the applications group at Harlequin Limited that developed the Watson investigative analysis application, which was eventually acquired by Xanalys Limited.
Kobryn is best known as an expert in visual modeling languages and model-driven development technologies. In 2003 he founded PivotPoint Technology, a software and systems engineering services company that focuses on model-driven development technologies. Prior to founding PivotPoint Kobryn held senior technical positions at Telelogic, EDS, MCI Systemhouse, Inference Corporation, Harlequin, and SAIC. Before Kobryn became a software engineer he served as a commissioned officer in both the U.S. Marine Corps and the U.S. Army, and was infantry, armor, airborne and Special Forces qualified.