The Canadian Film Centre (CFC), based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and founded by Academy Award-nominated director Norman Jewison, aims to "accelerate the careers of the brightest talent in film, television, screen acting, music, and digital media." A charitable organization, the CFC "is committed to promoting and investing in Canada's diverse talent; providing exhibition, financial, and distribution opportunities, industry collaborations and creative partnerships for top creative content leaders. CFC makes a significant cultural and economic contribution to Canada by launching the country's most creative ideas and voices to the world."
Initially founded in 1988 by Jewison as a film training centre for aspiring and emerging Canadian filmmakers, the CFC has progressively added new programs, initiatives and labs as they become relevant; growing from 6 initial staff running a solitary film program for 12 inaugural residents in 1988, to over 50 staff, running 11 programs and 3 initiatives for more than 100 residents in 2012.
1988: CFC opens with original Film Training Program for producers, writers and directors
1991: Summer & Fall Writer’s Boot camp offered until 1993
1992: CFC Features(formerly The Feature Film Project) launches
1994: Inaugural Television Training Program begins
1996: Professional Screenwriting Program starts
1997: CFC Media Lab created
1997: Editors’ lab included in Film Program offerings
1999: Prime Time Television Program commences
2000: CFC acquires the Worldwide Short Film Festival
2002: Interactive Project Lab initiated
2003: CFC Distribution is introduced
2003: Interactive Narrative Feature Project (INFP) conceived
2004: Professional Screenwriting Program & Writers’ Lab folded into Prime Time TV Program
2004: TELUS Innovation Fund announced
2006: TV Pilot Program begins
2006: NBC Universal Multiplatform Program announced
2007: CFC GO WEST Project Lab launched
2007: Mobile Film Festival launched
2007: Launch of Late Fragment, INFP’s inaugural project and North America’s first interactive dramatic feature film
2008: CFC NFB Documentary Program created
2008: Canada - UK Script Incubation Program announced
2008: CFC Actors Conservatory announced
2009: CFC NBC Universal Content Creator Program announced
2009: CFC Launches New Program | Telefilm Canada Features Comedy Lab
2009: Entertainment One Supports CFC Features
2009: Kiefer Sutherland Announced as Chair of CFC Actors Conservatory
2011: Paul Haggis announced as Chair of Cineplex Entertainment and Short Dramatic Film Programs
2012: Bell Media Showrunner Bootcamp announced
2012: The Slaight Family Music Lab announced
2012: Telefilm Canada Feature Comedy Exchange launched
2012: Bell Media sponsors Prime Time TV Program
2012: ideaBOOST launched