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Brown woolly monkey

Brown woolly monkey
Lagothrix lagotricha (male).jpg
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Atelidae
Genus: Lagothrix
Species: L. lagothricha
Binomial name
Lagothrix lagothricha
(Humboldt, 1812)
Brown Woolly Monkey area.png
Brown woolly monkey range

The brown woolly monkey, common woolly monkey, or Humboldt's woolly monkey (Lagothrix lagothricha) is a woolly monkey from Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Brazil. It lives in groups of two to 70 individuals, usually splitting the group into smaller subgroups when active.

Many published sources use the binomial L. lagothricha, since Fooden adopted this spelling when he revised the genus. Von Humboldt used both spellings in his original description. The International Zoological Code permits a first reviser to choose an orthodox spelling.

Brown woolly monkeys are large compared to most other tree-dwelling primates, with a head-body length of 40-60cm, a tail length of 55-75cm, and a weight of 5.5-10.8kg. Contrary to their name, they may also be a shade of grey or black as well as brown, and are darker on the head and underparts. The face is naked of any fur and is typically black. Most male woolly monkeys are larger than the females, also having larger canines. Brown woolly monkeys are also diurnal.

Like all species of woolly monkey, brown woolly monkeys are omnivorous, but mainly frugivorous.

The brown woolly monkey is present in the upper Amazon basin in South America, ranging from the Rio Tapajos in Brazil, to eastern Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. They also used to be found in Bolivia, however it is likely they have been extirpated by hunters. They are found in the rainforest, usually in the canopy of the tallest trees, though they may also be found at shrub layer. In certain seasons it is also common for groups to enter flooded forests, due to a higher concentration of berries.

