Big Brother 2010, also known as Big Brother 11, was the eleventh series of the British reality television series Big Brother, and the final series of the show to be broadcast by Channel 4. The show followed twenty-one contestants, known as housemates, who were isolated from the outside world for an extended period of time in a custom built House. Each week, one or more of the housemates were evicted by a public vote. The last remaining housemate, Josie Gibson, was declared the winner, winning a cash prize of £100,000 and a place in a special edition of the show named Ultimate Big Brother, which began immediately after the conclusion of this series.
It launched on 9 June 2010 and ended on 24 August 2010, lasting 77 days - the shortest run since the fifth series in 2004. Davina McCall returned as presenter for the eleventh and final time. Fourteen housemates entered on launch night, with seven additional housemate being introduced in later weeks. The series was watched by an average of 3 million viewers.
Following Channel 4's decision in 2009 not to renew their contract with Endemol to show the series, Channel 5 bought the rights to Big Brother in the United Kingdom, where it has been broadcast since 2011.
Open auditions for the series took place in Manchester on 15–16 January 2010, in Dublin on 19 January 2010, in Cardiff on 23 January 2010, in Glasgow on 30 January 2010 and in London on 6–7 February 2010.
On 10 May, the Celebrity Big Brother 7 website was replaced with a Big Brother 11 mini-site updated with 23 pictures of Big Brother 11's new trailer. The trailer was aired on Channel 4 during The Million Pound Drop Live on 24 May. The trailer featured 30 ex-housemates from the past 10 series of Big Brother attending a funeral of the Diary Room Chair, with show narrator Marcus Bentley as the priest.