Beyond Zero Emissions (BZE) is an Australia-based, not-for-profit climate change solutions think-tank.
BZE was founded in 2006 by Matthew Wright and Adrian Whitehead under the guidance of Philip Sutton. The group coordinates research and education into how the Australian economy can rapidly reduce human-caused greenhouse gas emissions to 'zero and below' by implementing changes to stationary energy, transport, buildings, agricultural activities, industrial processes and fossil fuel export sectors.
In 2010 BZE released its first publication, the Zero Carbon Australia Stationary Energy Plan (Wright, Hearps 2010) a research collaboration between Beyond Zero Emissions and the University of Melbourne Energy Research Institute. The aim of the report was to provide a detailed, fully realisable, fully costed 10-year plan to replace all stationary energy needs with 100% renewable energy sources, using only current proven technologies and engineering. This report addressed the common perception that renewables cannot replace fossil fuels, either due to immaturity of the technology or due to cost concerns. The group invited pro-bono contributions from engineers, scientists, and industry specialists to work on this and all subsequent projects, similar to the way open source software is developed.
Since 2006 Beyond Zero Emissions has released the following publications:
A full list of Beyond Zero Emissions publications is also available with links to free pdf downloads at the BZE website.
Beyond Zero Emissions subscribes to the view that atmospheric concentrations of climate pollutants causing both near term and long term climate forcing - for example methane, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide - are at a dangerous level and growing and that even when the goal of a zero emissions global economy has been achieved, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide will still need to be reduced to a safe threshold.