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Battle Royale (Magic: The Gathering)

Modern Masters
Released June 7, 2013
Size 229 cards (101 commons, 60 uncommons, 53 rares, 15 mythic rares)
Development code Picasso
Expansion code MMA
Dragon's Maze Magic 2014
Modern Masters 2015 Edition
Released May 22, 2015
Size 249 cards (101 commons, 80 uncommons, 53 rares, 15 mythic rares)
Expansion code MM2
Dragons of Tarkir Magic Origins
Released November 1998
Expansion code ATH
Urza's Saga Urza's Legacy
Battle Royale
Released November 1999
Size 160 (136 unique) cards
Keywords None new
Mechanics Compilation
Expansion code BRY
Mercadian Masques Nemesis
Beatdown expansion symbol
Released October 2000
Size 122 cards, 4 of them with alternate art
Expansion code BTD
Invasion Planeshift

The collectible card game Magic: The Gathering has released compilation sets, reprint sets, and box sets over its history. These are distinct from core sets and expansion sets, the most heavily marketed sources of new cards. With the exception of Chronicles, reprint sets generally do not affect tournament legality in supported formats; for example, cards reprinted in the Modern Masters reprint set, while legal for tournament play, did not necessarily cause the card to be included in the "Standard" environment. (If a card happened to be in Standard due to a separate reprinting, though, all "versions" of the card automatically become legal, including ones from a reprint set.)

These sets tend to be of two types: sets with a fixed deck buyers receive, and sets sold in randomized booster packs, similar to "normal" expansion sets, but only consisting of reprint cards. Chronicles, Premium Foil Booster, Modern Masters (and its later editions), and Eternal Masters have been the only compilation sets to be printed in randomized boosters as of 2017; all others have a fixed card set.

Chronicles was the first compilation set of Magic: The Gathering, released in July 1995. Unlike many later compilation sets, Chronicles was treated like a normal expansion set, including renewing tournament legality for cards reprinted in it. For tournament play, Chronicles was designated as an extension of the Fourth Edition base set. Chronicles reprinted cards from Arabian Nights, Antiquities, Legends, and The Dark. Wizards of the Coast released a similar set called Renaissance into the German, French and Italian markets.

Modern Masters is a series of Magic: The Gathering compilation sets. Each set consists of reprints of cards which are legal in the Modern format in the game. Modern includes all cards from Eighth Edition onwards, barring a small number of banned cards.

Booster boxes of the Modern Masters series contain only 24 booster packs, compared to a regular expansion containing 36 packs, with the intent that they be used for an 8-player Limited draft.

Basic Lands, which are present in most expansion set booster packs, are absent in the Modern Masters sets. Instead, a premium card (foil), which traditionally existed in a common card slot on random basis, is included in every pack.

