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Baltic Entente

The Baltic Entente was based on Treaty of Good-Understanding and Co-operation signed between Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia on September 12, 1934 in Geneva. The main objective of the agreement was joint action in foreign policy. It also included commitments to support one another politically and to give diplomatic support in international communication. The endeavour was ultimately unsuccessful, as the combined strength of the three nations and their statements of neutrality were insubstantial in the face of the massive armies of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.

The plans for division of control of European lands located between the two powers laid out in the 1939 Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact assigned the Baltic countries into Soviet "sphere of influence". In 1940 all three countries were indeed occupied by and annexed into the Soviet Union.

The idea of setting up a Baltic Union started gaining momentum between 1914 and 1918 and became a direct consequence of people's hopes for independence. The concept of uniting Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania originated in the minds of the numerous refugees, who had no other choice than to flee to the west to escape the tyranny at home. They pooled their efforts in the struggle to achieve freedom and create nationhood. Their efforts became more evident after the end of World War I in 1918.

Thanks to the victory of Entente in World War I and the relative international weakening of both Germany and Russia, it became possible for the Baltic states to turn theoretical ideas into practice, establishing themselves politically in the international arena. All three Baltic countries managed to secure their independence by signing individual peace treaties with Russia in 1920. It was a big step in the way of diplomatic cooperation between the Baltic states and allowed each nation to receive recognition of their sovereignty from the other states. Acceptance of the Baltic States as members of the League of Nations in September 1921 meant that Latvian, Estonian and Lithuanian security seemed endorsed. The major outcome of World War I determined a new international order in Europe. Under the new conditions, the issue of solidifying independence for the Baltic States was of paramount importance.

