The Bakanambia, also known as the Wanbara, are an Aboriginal group of Australia. Traditionally, the Bakanambia lived in the vicinity of Princess Charlotte Bay in the state of Queensland.
The Bakanambia's lands covered the southern and eastern shores of Princess Charlotte Bay, and extended inland as far as the tidal limits of the Normanby and north Kennedy rivers, and included Lakefield, covering an area of around 1,100 square miles.
Bakanambia was a member of the Lama subgroup of north Queensland Pama–Nyungan languages. According to Norman Tindale, the Bakanambia suffered from a statistically high incidence of cleft palate, a factor which influenced their language.
The Bakanambia were one of the 'mobs' (the others being the Kokowara and Mutumui) that attacked Edmund Kennedy's exploratory party as it passed through their territory.