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Azerbaijan Parliament

National Assembly
Milli Məclis
Милли Мəҹлис
Coat of arms or logo
Ogtay Asadov,
New Azerbaijan Party
Since 2 December 2005
Seats 125
Azerbaijan Parliament.svg
Political groups

     YAP (69)
     VHP (2)
     Motherland (1)

     Independents (53)
Last election
1 November 2015
Meeting place
Milli Majlis building, Baku, Azerbaijan

     YAP (69)
     VHP (2)
     Motherland (1)

The National Assembly (Azerbaijani: Milli Məclis; Милли Мəҹлис), also transliterated as Milli Majlis, is the legislative branch of government in Azerbaijan. The unicameral National Assembly has 125 deputies: previously 100 members were elected for five-year terms in single-seat constituencies and 25 were members elected by proportional representation; as of the latest election, however, all 125 deputies are returned from single-member constituencies. Milli Majlis was the first secular republican parliament in the Muslim world.

Following the Russian Revolution in February 1917, a special committee consisting of deputees from Transcaucasian State Duma was created. In November, Transcaucasian Commissariat was created as the first government of independent Transcaucasia. The Sejm made up from representatives of three nations did not have a solid political platform as each nation looked after its own interests. This subsequently led to dissolution of the Sejm on May 25, 1918.

On May 27, 44 Muslim deputees of the Sejm gathered in Tbilisi and established Azerbaijan National Council to form the government of Azerbaijan. Mammad Emin Rasulzade was elected its chairman. On May 28, the National Council passed a resolution proclaiming independence of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. On June 16, the National Council and the Azerbaijani government moved to Ganja. At the seventh session of the council in Ganja chaired by Mammad Emin Rasulzade, it was decided to dissolve the council and transfer all legislative and executive power to the interim government of Azerbaijan headed by Fatali Khan Khoyski. Once the government was established, Azerbaijani was made the official state language. One of the priorities of the government before moving to Baku was to liberate Baku from Centrocaspian Dictatorship then in control of the city which took place on September 15, 1918. On November 16 when the National Council reconvenes and on November 19, Rasulzade announces that all nationalities of Azerbaijan will be represented in the Azerbaijani Parliament to consist of 120 deputees.

