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Ave Molech

Privately held company
Industry Role-playing
Genre Fantasy Steampunk
Founder Michael G. Hurston
Headquarters San Jose, CA, USA
Products Ave Molech Gaslight Demons
Website www.morbidgames.com

Morbidgames is a publisher of role-playing games and sci-fi fiction under the Open Game License using the d20 system, the majority of which take place in a medieval world with fantasy and steampunk elements.

They originally started in 2002 creating modules for BioWare's popular game Neverwinter Nights. While the modules were based in a world referred to as Ave'Molech, their modules are completely unrelated to their current game world. Note the apostrophe, which was removed from their product branding in 2007 along with their website redesign.

In 2006 the company began producing PDF short stories, which they called Journals. These Journals took place in the world of Ave Molech and are flash fiction narratives taking place in specific locations that typically end with the main character’s demise. In 2007, after a series of mixed reviews, the company reworked their product line as well as hired popular artists such as Gerald Brom and released a second edition of their Ave Molech campaign setting, also in PDF.

Eventually the company’s popularity grew and in 2007 was a runner up in the RPG-Awards Supplements of the Year. Then in 2008 Morbidgames released their fantasy campaign setting in paperback version, though their Journals series and individual writings still only available as PDFs. It was also during this time that the PDF's and books became available on a number of popular web retailers including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, the OBS (One Book Shelf) network, Paizo and Your Games Now.

