The Aspatria Agricultural Cooperative Society was established in Aspatria, Cumberland, England in 1870, after a group of local farmers combined to deal in artificial manures, feeding stuffs, seeds, and agricultural implements. Although formed in a small rural community, the society had the integrity to sue agricultural agencies when their guarantees did not conform to their advertised products. Although one of the first organisations of its kind, it continues to flourish when others fell by the wayside and is now arguably the oldest of its kind in the world. Moreover, the society became a catalyst which empowered three local men to further the cause of agriculture by establishing the Aspatria Agricultural College, the second of its kind in the world.
In 1869, a quantity of artificial ‘turnip’ manure priced at £7.50p per ton arrived in the Aspatria district. Of the recipients John Twentyman of Hawkrigg Farm, and William Norman of High Close, bought 5 tons and 2 tons respectively. Norman, a qualified chemist, doubted the integrity of the declared chemical properties and sought verification from former colleague, Thomas Anderson, of Glasgow University. Anderson confirmed Norman's suspicions, as the manure contained only 13 per cent of soluble phosphates with a value of £2 50p per ton. In the meantime, Twentyman, acting independently applied the manure to a field of turnips and experienced disappointing results. The two neighbours met through the intermediary of local veterinary surgeon Henry Thompson MRCVS who suggested they form an Agricultural Society at Aspatria, with the primary aim of initiating an annual Agricultural Show. It was during a speech at the inaugural show dinner, in September 1869, that Sir Wilfrid Lawson, 2nd Baronet of Brayton advised local farmers to follow his example and join the Agricultural and Horticultural Association, established by Edward Owen Greening at Manchester two years earlier. Twentyman took the initiative one stage further and organised a meeting of local landlords and tenant farmers with a view of establishing a small company for buying fertilisers and feed stuff at a guaranteed quality. At a meeting on 24 January 1870, twenty members agreed to draw up a list of rules, adopt a motto ‘each for all and all for each’, appoint Henry Thompson as secretary, on an initial salary of £65 per annum, and to purchase 160 subscription shares at £1 each. On April 14, the society, the first of its kind in Cumberland, registered the company under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1893.