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Assassin vine
Alignment Neutral
Type Plant
Image Wizards.com image
Stats Open Game License stats
Publication history
Source books Monster Manual
Dark tree
Alignment Neutral Evil
Type Plant
Image Wizards.com image
Publication history
Source books Shining South (3.5E), Monsters of Faerûn, Monstrous Compendium Annual 1, The Shining South
Hangman tree
Oaken defender
Publication history
First appearance Monster Manual IV
Phantom fungus
Image Wizards.com image
Stats Open Game License stats
Image Wizards.com image
Stats Open Game License stats
Alignment Any
Type Plant
Image Wizards.com image
Publication history
Source books Unapproachable East

The Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game contains many plant creatures that are composed of vegetable material, but unlike normal plants these monsters may be carnivorous, intelligent, mobile, or any combination of the three. In the 3rd edition of Dungeons & Dragons, plant creatures have the plant "creature type".

In 3rd edition, all plant creatures have low-light vision. Plant creatures have a wide array of immunities,including being immune to: all mind-affecting effects, poison, sleep effects, paralysis, polymorph, and stunning. They are also not subject to critical hits.

The is a dangerous plant which grows both in and underground. It is basically a tree which uses its vines to kill victims and deposit the bodies near the roots for fertilizer. It consists of a main vine attached to the tree, about 20 feet (6.1 m) long, with smaller, 5-foot-long (1.5 m) vines breaking off. It has both leaves and berries. The berries have a bitter taste and are used to make a heady wine despite being widely believed to be poisonous. The underground version of the assassin vine is darker in coloration to the ground dwelling one.

The dark tree resembles a cypress tree, but in its bark is a fiendish, evil-looking face, and two of its branches are gnarled, wooded, spindly arms.

The dark tree dwells in warm jungles and waits for intelligent creatures to wander into its midst. It attacks in whatever way it can with its two arm-branches, and once its prey is dead, it drinks their blood.

Dark trees are neutral evil in alignment.

The hangman tree resembles a sparsely foliaged, deciduous oak with noose-like vines hanging from the branches, hence the name. Though plants, they are highly intelligent, and are capable of speaking Common, have minds and consciousnesses, and are resistant to magic. They can sense when prey is near, hibernate in the winter, and can attack and such with wills of their own.

