Arts in education is an expanding field of educational research and practice informed by investigations into learning through arts experiences. In this context, the arts can include Performing arts education (dance, drama, music), literature and poetry, storytelling, Visual arts education in film, craft, design, digital arts, media and photography. It is distinguished from art education by being not so much about teaching art, but focused on:
Arts integrated learning is a way to teach artistic skills in conjunction with academic material. This approach to education values the process and experiential learning as much as creation of art object or performance oriented learning.
The European Union has funded the ARTinED (a new approach to education using the arts) project to integrate the arts into every primary school subject ARTinED.
The European Commission has funded the ART4rom, a project based on the practice of the arts in school and non school environments. The aim of the project is to foster intercultural dialogue, mutual understanding and social inclusion for Roma and non-Roma children aged between 5 and 10.
The various models of education theory are predicated on Pedagogy while almost entirely ignoring the fact that most art schools are directly involved in the teaching of adults. This blind spot means that the pedagological model of learning is unsuitable for institutions that are intended to focus on androgogy which is term used specifically in relation to the teaching of adult learners.