Area codes 416, 647, and 437 are telephone area codes serving the single rate centre of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
The incumbent local exchange carrier in the 416/647/437 territory is Bell Canada. Almost all Toronto Bell Canada landlines are in area code 416, with 647 numbers allocated disproportionately to a growing mobile telephone market and to competitive local exchange providers (such as cable and voice-over-IP gateways). Local numbers are portable, with few limited exceptions for specific services such as pocket pagers.
The competitive local exchange carriers for 416/647/437 are Rogers, Telus, and some independent companies.
Like the 212 and 312 area codes in New York and Chicago respectively, demand for 416 numbers for mobile, foreign exchange and voice over IP service in the "905 suburbs" (Durham, Peel, York and Halton regions) has made the numbers valuable as their local calling area is a superset of that of a suburban number.