The All Pakistan Ulema Council is a Muslim organization in Pakistan whose members include Islamic clerics and legal scholars from a range of Islamic traditions.Mawlānā Tahir Ashrafi is its current chief.
The council issued a fatwa (religious edict) denouncing and prohibiting honour killings and said that honour killings were "un-Islamic" and "inhuman" the clergy elaborated that "[A] daughter is a gift by Allah" and that "Daughter is a gift not a problem". The council will issue a more detailed verdict on June 5, 2014 which will be from an even more diverse range of religious groups.
The council issued a fatwa which declared that declaring other Islamic sects such as Shia as kafir (non-believers) was against Islam. The fatwa was announced to promote inter-sectarian tolerance by acknowledging that there was diversity in the way in which Islam is practised by different sects such as Sunni, Shia and different expressions of religion such as Sufism which was targeted by extremists. The use of loudspeakers except for the adhan (call to prayer) and the Friday sermon was also banned.
In March 2013, the council's chair Alama Tahir Ashrafi reportedly said that suicide attacks are permitted "as long as US forces are present" in Afghanistan.
The council denounced the activities of Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (known as ISIL, ISIS, IS, and Daesh), in a statement the council said, "Islam and Muslims cannot support the killing of innocent people and destruction of their properties at the hands of ISIS", it asked "people and youth in Islamic countries to not cooperate with any violent group whose teachings or actions are against the teachings of Islam and Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)."