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Alec McDowell

Dark Angel is an American television series created by James Cameron and Charles H. Eglee. The series premiered in the United States on the Fox network on October 3, 2000. Max Guevara, portrayed by Jessica Alba, is the protagonist of the series. The first season had an additional seven regular characters. Two of these characters, Kendra Maibaum and Herbal Thought, did not return for the second season, and a third main character, Colonel Donald Michael Lydecker, was written out of the show shortly into the second season. Four new characters, however, become regulars for the series second and final season.

The series was continued with three canonical novels; "Skin Game" picks up directly where season two ended, and was followed by the final media in the Dark Angel universe, "After the Dark". A prequel novel, "Before the Dawn", chronicles Max's life between escaping from Manticore, the government facility that created her, and the beginning of season one of the television series. An apocryphal Dark Angel video game adaptation features the series' characters Max Guevara, Logan Cale and Original Cindy.

Max Guevara is the main character in all Dark Angel media. She is a genetically enhanced transgenic super-soldier who escaped from Manticore, the government facility that created her and gave her the signalled code (X5-452). She can be identified by the bar code on the back of her neck, which reads the number 332960073452.

Logan Cale is a cyber-journalist who uses his knowledge of computer technology to bring down the corrupt power brokers of the new millennium. Heir to a family fortune, Logan hacks into television cable networks and delivers his broadcast entitled Streaming Freedom Video under the pseudonym and alter ego Eyes Only. When he discovers Max trying to burgle his apartment, Logan notices her Manticore barcode and offers to help her locate the other Manticore children in return for helping him on a vigilante mission. Max denies his offer, and Logan is rendered a paraplegic after he is shot on the mission. Max later accepts Logan's original offer, and the two form a close friendship and romantic interest. After receiving a blood transfusion from Max, Logan temporarily regains the ability to walk due to her stem-cell enriched blood.

