Agis III (Greek: Ἄγις) was the eldest son of Archidamus III, and the 21st Eurypontid king of Sparta.
Agis III succeeded his father on 2 August 338 BC, on the very day of the battle of Chaeronea. His reign was short, but eventful, coming as it did during a low period for Sparta, after it had lost significant borderlands to Philip II of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great.
In 333 BC, Agis went with a single trireme to the Persian commanders in the Aegean, Pharnabazus and Autophradates, to request money and armaments for carrying on hostile operations against Alexander the Great in Greece. The news of the battle of Issus in 333 BC, however, put a check upon their plans. He sent his brother Agesilaus with instructions to sail with them to Crete, that he might secure that island for the Spartan interest. In this he seems in a great measure to have succeeded.
Two years after this Spartan success (331 BC), the Greek states which were in league against Alexander seized the opportunity that had risen from the military disaster of the Macedonian general Zopyrion's campaign against the Scythians, combined with the Thracian revolt, to declare war against Macedonia. Agis was invested with the command and with his Spartan troops, and a body of 8000 Greek mercenaries who had been present at the battle of Issus, gained a decisive victory in the Peloponnese over a Macedonian army under Coragus.