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Accademia Filarmonica Romana

The Accademia Filarmonica Romana is a musical institution based in Rome, Italy. It was established in 1821 by a group of upper class amateur musicians led by the Marquis and composer Raffaele Muti Papazzurri (1801-1858), in order to encourage the performance of chamber music and symphony, and to perform in concert operas whose representation was hampered by censorship. In 1824 it became an official institution of the Papal States with the aim of "training students to the exercise of the vocal and instrumental music."

The academy suspended its activities between 1849 and 1856 for economic difficulties, and in 1860 it was disbanded by the papal government, as many of its members were accused of having liberal ideas, reprising its activities in 1870.Gaetano Donizetti collaborated with the institution, conducting an opera in 1833 and composing a piece for a cantata which was commissioned to the academy, Il genio dell’Armonia in omaggio a Pio VIII.

