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Abu l-Aish Ahmad

Ahmad I
أحمد الأول
Sultan of Morocco
Reign 948-954
Predecessor Al-Qassim Guennoun
Successor Al-Hassan ibn Guennoun
Full name
Abul-Aish Ahmad ibn Al-Qassim Guennoun
Dynasty Idrisid
Father Al-Qassim Guennoun
Religion Zaydi Shia Islam
Full name
Abul-Aish Ahmad ibn Al-Qassim Guennoun

Abul-Aish Ahmad ibn Al-Qassim Gannoun (Arabic: أبو العيش أحمد بن القاسم كنون) was the twelfth Idrisid ruler and sultan of Morocco. He took over after Al Qasim Gannum in 948 until his death in 954.

His title Abul-Aish means in Arabic "father of rice".

