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logo of ATTAC
Founded June 3, 1998 (1998-june-03)
Type Voluntary association
Origins A single-issue movement that was founded in France after the publication in the Monde diplomatique of an Ignacio Ramonet's editorial entitled « Disarm the markets » that launched the notion of creating an association to promote the Tobin tax.
Area served
Method Popular education, meetings, conferences, counter-arguments documents
Slogan "Another World is possible"
Mission International movement working towards social, environmental and democratic alternatives in the globalization process.
Website www.attac.org

The Association pour la Taxation des Transactions financières et pour l'Action Citoyenne (Association for the Taxation of financial Transactions and Citizen's Action, ATTAC) is an activist organization originally created for promoting the establishment of a tax on foreign exchange transactions.

Originally called "Action for a Tobin Tax to Assist the Citizen", ATTAC was a single-issue movement demanding the introduction of the so-called Tobin tax on currency speculation. ATTAC now devotes itself to a wide range of issues related to globalisation, monitoring the decisions of the World Trade Organization (WTO), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). ATTAC attends the meetings of the G8 with the goal of influencing policymakers' decisions. Attac recently criticised Germany for what it called the criminalisation of anti-G8 groups.

At the founding, ATTAC had specific statutory objectives based on the promotion of the Tobin tax. For example, ATTAC Luxembourg specifies in article 1 of its statutes that it aims to produce and communicate information, and to promote and carry out activities of all kinds for the recapture, by the citizens, of the power that the financial sector has on all aspects of political, economic, social and cultural life throughout the world. Such means include the taxation of transactions in foreign exchange markets (Tobin tax).

ATTAC claims not to an anti-globalization movement, but it criticises the neoliberal ideology that it sees as dominating economic globalisation. It supports globalisation policies that they characterise as sustainable and socially just. One of ATTAC's slogans is "The World is not for sale", denouncing the "merchandisation" of society. Another slogan is "Another world is possible" pointing to an alternative globalization where people and not profit is in focus.

