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1932 Republican National Convention

1932 Republican National Convention
1932 presidential election
RP1932.png RV1932.png
Hoover and Curtis
Date(s) June 14–16, 1932
City Chicago, Illinois
Venue Chicago Stadium
Presidential nominee Herbert C. Hoover of California
Vice Presidential nominee Charles Curtis of Kansas
Results (President) Herbert Hoover (CA): 1126.5 (98.5%)
John J. Blaine: 13
Calvin Coolidge: 4.5
Joseph Irwin France: 4
James W. Wadsworth: 1
1928  ·  1936

The 1932 Republican National Convention was held at Chicago Stadium in Chicago, Illinois, from June 14 to June 16, 1932. It renominated President Herbert Hoover and Vice President Charles Curtis for their respective positions.

Hoover was unopposed for the nomination, despite a lackluster Republican Party. Nonetheless, the convention praised Hoover and pledged itself to maintain a balanced budget.

Hoover's managers at the Republican National Convention ran a tight ship, not allowing expressions of concern for the direction of the nation. Hoover was nominated on the first ballot with 98% of the delegate vote.

