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This piglix contains articles or sub-piglix about Annabelle Candy Company brands
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Annabelle Candy Company

imageAnnabelle Candy Company

The Annabelle Candy Company, also known as Annabelle's, is a Hayward, California, United States, based candy manufacturer. The company was founded in San Francisco, California in 1950 by Russian immigrant Sam Altshuler, who named the company after his daughter. The company manufactures ten sorts of candy bar, with the most popular being the Rocky Road candy bar, (which features the "Rocky road" flavor of marshmallow, chocolate, and cashews) ranked among the top 35-40 best selling chocolate bars on the West Coast of the United States.

The company moved to its present location in Hayward, California in 1965. In 1972, Annabelle Candy Company purchased the Golden Nugget Company and in 1978 the Cardinet Candy Company adding the Big Hunk, Look, U-NO and Abba Zaba candy bars to its line of products.


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Abba-Zaba are taffy candy bars with peanut butter centers, made by the Annabelle Candy Company in Hayward, California.

According to the Candy Wrapper Museum, the first Abba Zaba bars were manufactured beginning in 1922 by Colby and McDermott. Before Annabelle Candy Co. started manufacturing Abba-Zaba, the packaging featured racially insensitive imagery. Annabelle Candy Co. will only say that the wrapper has been the same for as long as they have manufactured the candy.

The bar was later manufactured by the Cardinet Candy Co. along with U-No Bar. Annabelle Candy Purchased the Cardinet Candy Co. in 1978. Annabelle now manufactures both candy bars in addition to others.

Abba-Zaba bars can be found almost exclusively west of the Rockies. The wrapper features a yellow and black checkerboard "taxi" pattern. They can be purchased in bulk on the web. They can also be found in candy specialty stores anywhere in the US and Canada.

Recently Annabelle has produced a new Abba-Zaba that has an apple flavored taffy. There is also a new bar that contains chocolate spread instead of peanut butter.

Abba-Zaba bars are kosher pareve.

A favorite snack of a young Don Van "Captain Beefheart" Vliet, it lent its name to a song that appears on his 1967 Safe as Milk album. In fact, the album itself was originally to be entitled "Abba Zaba", changed only when the company would not allow the usage of their trademark name. The artwork on the reverse of the album sleeve still features a black and yellow checkerboard pattern reminiscent of the Abba-Zaba bar.

Abba Zaba bars were also referenced on a vinyl album titled "A Child's Garden Of Grass" in early 70's.

Abba-Zaba is also mentioned the 1999 song "Chocolate Jesus" by Tom Waits.

Abba-Zaba bars were featured prominently in the 1998 Dave Chappelle comedy film Half Baked.


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Big Hunk

Big Hunk is a candy bar made by Annabelle Candy Company. It first entered production in the 1950s, in the United States. It is a bar of roasted peanuts covered in honey sweetened nougat. It was featured in Steve Almond’s book, Candyfreak, as being one of several successful candies made by a small company. Big Hunk was acquired by Annabelle Candy Company when the company purchased Golden Nugget Candy Company in 1970.

A fun and interesting way to eat a Big Hunk is to slap the unopened bar on a hard surface, such as a table, and shatter the contents. The result is small, bite-sized pieces.

Big Hunk Bars are very chewy, and are known for its bright, high energy and colorful advertisements such as the line "PUT BIG PROFITS IN YOUR POCKET WITH BIG HUNK".


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U-No Bar

The U-NO Bar is produced by the Annabelle Candy Company.

The U-NO is a truffle type bar with almond bits covered in a thin layer of chocolate, and wrapped in a silver foil-like wrapper. It is comparable to a 3 Musketeers bar only in appearance. It has a much higher fat content, and its center is a chocolate fluff. It's chocolatey coating is rather thin. There is a rich, creamy, chocolate filling. U-NO bars used to come in two flavors: Original and mint. Annabelle Candy Company has since discontinued the mint flavor.

U-NO was first produced by the Cardinet Candy Company in the 1920s, which was later acquired by the Annabelle Candy Company, in 1978.


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