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Rice bean
Harvested Vigna umbellata beans
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Rosids
Order: Fabales
Family: Fabaceae
Subfamily: Faboideae
Tribe: Phaseoleae
Genus: Vigna
Species: V. umbellata
Binomial name
Vigna umbellata
(Thunb.) Ohwi & H. Ohashi

Vigna umbellata (Thunb.) Ohwi and Ohashi, previously Phaseolus calcaratus, is a warm-season annual vine legume with yellow flowers and small edible beans. It is commonly called ricebean or rice bean. To date, it is little known, little researched and little exploited. It is regarded as a minor food and fodder crop and is often grown as intercrop or mixed crop with maize (Zea mays), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) or cowpea (V. unguiculata), as well as a sole crop in the uplands, on a very limited area. Like the other Asiatic Vigna species, ricebean is a fairly short-lived warm-season annual. Grown mainly as a dried pulse, it is also important as a fodder, a green manure and a vegetable. Ricebean is most widely grown as an intercrop, particularly of maize, throughout Indo-China and extending into southern China, India, Nepal and Bangladesh. In the past it was widely grown as lowland crop on residual soil water after the harvest of long-season rice, but it has been displaced to a great extent where shorter duration rice varieties are grown. Ricebean grows well on a range of soils. It establishes rapidly and has the potential to produce large amounts of nutritious animal fodder and high quality grain.

The English language name is a literal translation of the Chinese language name (Chinese: 飯豆; pinyin: fàndòu).

  • Chandel, KP, Joshi, BS, Arora, RK & Part, KC (1978) Ricebean - a new pulse with high potential. Ind Farm 28: 19–22
  • De Carvalho, NM & Vieira, RD (1996) Rice bean (Vigna umbellata (Thunb.) Ohwi et Ohasi) In: Nwokolo, E & Smartt, J (Eds) Legumes and Oilseeds in Nutrition. Chapman and Hall, , pp 222–228
  • Dwivedi, GK (1996) Tolerance of some crops to soil acidity and response to liming. J Ind Soc Soil Sci 44: 736-741
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  • Kaga, A, Tomooka, N, Egawa, Y, Hosaka, K & Kamijima, O (1996) Species relationships in the subgenus Ceratotropis (genus Vigna) as revealed by RAPD analysis. Euphytica 88: 17-24
  • Kaur, M & Kawatra, BL (2002) Effect of domestic processing on zinc bioavailability from ricebean (Vigna umbellata) diets. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 57: 307-318.
  • Lawn, RJ (1995) The Asiatic Vigna species. Chapter 65 in Smartt, J and Simmonds, NW (Eds) Evolution of crop plants. Second edition. Longman Scientific and Technical, Harlow, UK. , pp 321–326.
  • Löwdin, P (1998) Food, ritual and society. A study of social structure and food symbolism among the Newars. Mandala Book Point, Kathmandu, 2nd. Ed.
  • Mohan, VR & Janardhanan, K (1994) Chemical composition and nutritional evaluation of raw seeds of six ricebean varieties. J Ind Bot Soc 73: 259-263.
  • National Academy of Sciences (NAS) (1979) Ricebean. In: Tropical legumes, resources for the future, pp 80–85
  • Negi, KS, Pant, KC, Muneem, KC & Mal, B (1996) Evaluation of rice bean genetic resources. Ind J For 19: 156-163
  • Rachie, KO and Roberts, LM (1974) Grain legumes of the lowland tropics. Adv Agron 26: 1-132
  • Revilleza, MAJR, Mendoza, EMT & Raymundo, LC (1990) Oligosaccharides in several Philippine indigenous food legumes: determination, localization and removal. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 40: 83-93
  • Saravankumar P, Tomooka N, Kaga, A & Vaughan DA (2003) Studies on wild relatives of grain legumes in Southern South Asia with particular reference to the genera Cajanus and Vigna In AHM Jayasuriya & DA Vaughan (eds) Conservation and use of crop wild relatives. Proceedings of the joint Department of Agriculture, Sri Lanka and National Institute of Agrobiological Science, Japan Workshop held on 3 February 2003.
  • Singh, KP, Kumar, A, Saharan, RP & Kumar, R (2006) A new boldseeded genotype of mungbean-MRH-5. Nat J Plant Impr. 8: 92-93
  • Smil, V (1997) Some unorthodox perspectives on agricultural biodiversity. The case of legume cultivation. Agric Eco Env 62: 135-144.
  • Tomooka, N, Lairungreang, C, Nakeeraks, P, Egawa, Y & Thavarasook, C (1991) Mung bean and the genetic resources. TARC, Japan.
  • Tomooka, N, Kaga, A, Vaughan, DA, & Jayasuriya AHM (2003) Advances in understanding the genus Vigna subgenus Ceratotropis In AHM Jayasuriya and DA Vaughan (eds) Conservation and use of crop wild relatives. Proceedings of the joint Department of Agriculture, Sri Lanka and National Institute of Agrobiological Science, Japan Workshop held on 3 February 2003
  • World Vegetable Centre (2007) AVRDC Vegetable Resources Genetic Resources Information System.
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