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This piglix contains articles or sub-piglix about Hunting
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Hunting magic

Hunting magic is a term for practices of magic associated with hunting in hunter-gatherer cultures, both contemporary and prehistoric.

Walter Burkert in Homo Necans (1972) suggested that rituals associated with hunting magic are at the origin of religion. Henri Breuil interpreted the paleolithic cave paintings as hunting magic, meant to increase the number of animals.


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Hunting season

A hunting season is the time when it is legal to hunt and kill a particular species of animal.

In the United States, each state has primary responsibility and authority over the hunting of wildlife that resides within state boundaries. State wildlife agencies that sell hunting licenses are the best source of information regarding hunting seasons, areas open/closed to hunting, etc. Hunting of migratory birds such as ducks and geese is managed cooperatively by state fish and wildlife agencies and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Migratory waterfowl hunters must possess both a state hunting license and a Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp (Duck Stamp), and each hunter needs a Harvest Information Program (HIP) number for each state in which they hunt migratory birds.

Open season is the time of the year when a particular wildlife species is allowed to be hunted as per local wildlife conservation law. Each state creates laws and codes governing the season dates and species, based on a complex process including citizen input, a state fish and game agency or department, and often an independent game council. This process updates a game code for each state which outlines all rules and regulations including hunting seasons. In each of the 50 states, abstracts of the larger game code are then presented in the official state hunting regulations for that given year. Season dates are often timed to occur when the population is at its maximum. It avoids the peak breeding period when members of a species are particularly vulnerable, and avoids any disruption to mating, which may affect productivity.

Closed season is the time of the year during which hunting an animal of a given species is contrary to law. Typically, closed seasons are designed to protect a species when it is most vulnerable or, sometimes, to protect animals during their breeding season.


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Hunting strategy

A hunting strategy, or hunting method, is for locating, targeting, and killing a targeted animal. Hunting methods have also been applied to situations such as the pursuit of fugitives by government agencies and the targeting of a small military unit by a larger one, especially during low intensity conflict.

Hunting strategies include:


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James Jordan Buck

The James Jordan Buck is the highest scoring typical white-tailed deer ever harvested by a hunter in the United States and the second-highest scoring in the world. James (Jim) Jordan was a 22-year-old hunter from Burnett County, Wisconsin when he shot the record buck on November 20, 1914. The Jordan Buck measures 206 1/8 net typical points under the Boone and Crockett Club scoring system.

Jim Jordan was hunting with his friend Egus Davis in Danbury, Wisconsin on November 20, 1914. A recent snowfall allowed the men to follow a fresh set of tracks, which ultimately led to the world-record buck. Jim shot the buck with his .25-20 Winchester rifle and later recovered the deer in the middle of the Yellow River. A bizarre chain of events followed the buck after it was left in the hands of local taxidermist, George VanCastle. After several months of waiting to get the mount back, Jim travelled to George’s house in Hinckley, Minnesota only to find out he had moved. However, unbeknownst to Jim, the mount was still in the attic of George’s house. In 1958, the original Jordan Buck mount showed up at a rummage sale in Sandstone, Minnesota. They were purchased by Bob Ludwig. In 1971, the Jordan Buck was sent to Pennsylvania to be officially scored by a Boone & Crockett judges’ panel. The deer was declared a new world record with a final net typical score of 206 1/8 points. It wasn't until 1978, that James Jordan was finally declared the hunter and Danbury, Wisconsin as the location of the kill. Unfortunately, James Jordan died two months prior to the decision by the Boone & Crockett Club.

The Jordan Buck was the world record typical white-tailed deer for close to 80 years. It was eclipsed for the top world spot in 1993 by a buck taken by Milo Hanson in Saskatchewan. After 100 years, the Jordan Buck remains the highest-scoring typical whitetail ever taken in the United States. The Jordan Buck is one of the most famous bucks in the world due to its enormous set of antlers and bizarre history. The Jordan Buck was part of the original Legendary Whitetails collection owned by Larry Huffman. The original set of antlers were purchased with Huffman's entire collection of Legendary Whitetails by Bass Pro Shops in 2002. The mount now hangs with the King of Bucks Collection in the American National Fish and Wildlife Museum in Springfield, Missouri. Replica mounts of the Jordan Buck exist in several locations throughout the country, including Crex Meadows State Wildlife Area, Legendary Whitetails, Cabela’s and Bass Pro Shops.


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Internet hunting

Internet hunting is the practice of hunting via remotely controlled firearms that can be aimed and shot using online webcams. The first internet hunting website, Live-Shot.com, was created in 2005 by John Lockwood, who saw it as a way to provide an authentic hunting experience for disabled persons. According to the Humane Society, the operation consisted of "a fenced pen stocked with animals [where Lockwood] set up a tripod with a camera and a firearm".

Almost as soon as internet hunting was introduced in the U.S. state of Texas, strong opposition to the practice developed among pro-gun and pro-hunting organizations, including the National Rifle Association and Safari Club International, as well as among animal rights and environmental groups. The majority of hunters do not consider the practice to be hunting, as it does not conform to the rules of a "fair chase".

As of August 2008, forty U.S. states had enacted laws or regulations to ban internet hunting. These bans were supported by a Humane Society campaign, and according to the organization, internet hunting is no longer being practiced. Critics say Internet hunting never existed as a viable industry, making much of the legislation curtailing it "a testament to public alarm over Internet threats and the gilded life of legislation that nobody opposes". Advocates see the legislation as a proactive measure that may yet curb the practice, which could easily spring up in states or other countries where it is not prohibited.


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International orange

imageInternational orange

International orange is a color used in the aerospace industry to set objects apart from their surroundings, similar to safety orange, but deeper and with a more reddish tone.

International Orange

International Orange
(Golden Gate Bridge)

International Orange

This is the shade used by NASA.

The Bell X1, the first airplane to break the sound barrier, was also painted in International Orange.

Above is displayed the tone of international orange used to paint the Golden Gate Bridge.

The tone of international orange used to paint the Golden Gate Bridge is slightly lighter than the standard International orange used by military contractors and in engineering (shown below), thus increasing its visibility to ships.

In the adjacent box is displayed the generic tone of international orange used by military contractors and in engineering generally.

The source of this color is Federal Standard 595, a U.S. federal government standard set up in 1956 for paint colors which is mostly used by military contractors and also in engineering. International Orange is designated as Federal Standard 595 color #FS 12197.


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Hunting tournament

A hunting tournament is a live kill competition where individuals or teams try to kill the largest animal for sport. There are many types of hunting tournaments and they are all scored differently. Some organizations that endorse hunting tournaments are the National Rifle Association, National Bird Dog Challenge Association and Safari Club International.

The National Bird Dog Challenge Association is a different type of hunting tournament because the dog must find 3 birds in a 12 - 25-acre (100,000 m2) field and then either point or flush the bird. After which the hunter must harvest the bird with one shot and then have the dog retrieve the bird to hand. It is usually competed with quail, chukars, or pheasants and the competitors are allowed 15 minutes to complete the course. Fastest and Cleanest time will win.


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Killing of Cecil the lion


Cecil (c. 2002 – 1 July 2015) was a male Southwest African lion (Panthera leo bleyenberghi) that lived primarily in the Hwange National Park in Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe. The lion was a major attraction at the park and was being studied and tracked by the University of Oxford as part of a larger study.

Cecil was wounded with an arrow by Walter Palmer, an American recreational big-game hunter, then tracked, and reportedly killed with a rifle approximately 40 hours later on 1 July 2015. Palmer says that Cecil was killed with a bow and arrow in much less than 40 hours after the lion was first wounded. Cecil was 13 years old when killed. Two men in Zimbabwe are being prosecuted in relation to the hunt. Palmer had a permit and was not charged with any crime. Authorities in Zimbabwe have said he is free to visit the country as a tourist but not as a hunter.

The killing resulted in international media attention, caused outrage among animal conservationists, criticism by politicians and celebrities and a strong negative response against Palmer. Five months after the killing of Cecil, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service added two subspecies of lion, in India and western and central Africa, to the endangered species list, which includes Cecil's species, making it more difficult for US citizens to legally kill these lions. According to Wayne Pacelle of the Humane Society, Cecil had "changed the atmospherics on the issue of trophy hunting around the world," adding "I think it gave less wiggle room to regulators."

Cecil—named after Cecil Rhodes—and another lion believed to be Cecil's brother were noticed in Hwange National Park in 2008. During 2009, the two lions encountered an established pride, which resulted in a fight in which Cecil's brother was killed and both Cecil and the leader of the pride were seriously wounded; the leader was subsequently killed by park rangers because of the wounds he had received in the fight with Cecil. Cecil retreated to another part of the park where he eventually established his own pride which had as many as 22 members. During 2013, Cecil was forced out from the area by two young male lions into the eastern border of the park. There, he created a coalition with another male lion named Jericho to establish two prides which consisted of Cecil, Jericho, half a dozen females and up to a dozen cubs sired by Cecil or Jericho.


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Layout hunting

Layout boat hunting is a sub specialty of traditional waterfowl hunting which is done in a low-profile un-motorized boat made of a unique design to allow hunter to maintain a close position to the water in order to conceal them in open water. This is a sport with a long history going back to market hunters and punt boats mounted with small cannons. The main focus of the layout boat is to put the hunter very close to the decoys if not in them for additional concealment. This makes for very dramatic hunting scenarios where a decoying bird comes extremely close to the hunter and boat.

Most layout boats are used for diver duck or ocean duck hunting where an open deep water waterfowl species frequent. Sometimes they are deployed in marshes for more traditional puddle duck hunting or goose hunting.

Open water layout boat hunters are well known to be a hearty bunch and are known for operating on the riskier side of waterfowl hunting. They are known to target diver ducks such as bluebills (greater scaup), canvasback, goldeneye, scoter and eider to name a few.

Layout boats come in designs such as pumpkin seed, oval, box-like just to name a few. They come in one- and two-man models.

Layout hunters usually deploy large spreads of diver ducks in open water areas. Many successful patterns have been created for these spreads over the years. Some layout hunters will use as many as 300 decoys or more. Layout boats are commonly called "rigs" because the usually require a larger tender boat to do the work of setting up a decoy spread, changing hunter and retrieving downed bird. Tender boats also play a much more important role of watchdog should anything go wrong. Every rig has its own system for setting and retrieving decoys. Some hunters employee long main lines (also called mother lines) with 10 to 20 decoys attached to a single line via short snap ropes. Other hunters use single line decoys with no main line at all. These methods are very effective and all depends how you were mentored into the sport.

Layout boat is positioned very close if not right into the decoy spread making it even harder to distinguish the boat by waterfowl. 1 to 2 hunters lay back flat into the boat hiding themselves from decoying birds. Many times this done on a rotation basis with other hunters working the tender boat. Remarkably small layout (10'-14') boats can weather some rough water very well.


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A limer, or lymer /ˈlaɪmər/, was a kind of dog, a scenthound, used on a leash in Medieval times to find large game before it was hunted down by the pack. It was sometimes known as a lyam hound/dog or lime-hound, from the Middle English word lyam meaning 'leash'. The French cognate limier has sometimes been used for the dogs in English as well. The type is not to be confused with the bandog, which was also a dog controlled by a leash, typically a chain, but was a watch dog or guard dog.

In Medieval hunting in France and Britain certain kinds of game were not found and hunted with a full pack, as usual in modern hunting. Instead they were first found by a limer.

The limer would be taken out at dawn by its handler, on foot, who would identify, perhaps from droppings, perhaps from footprints, where a large animal had passed during the night. He would set his hound on the trail, until it had found where the animal was browsing or at rest. This required keen scenting, the ability to ignore all other scents which might be a distraction, and silent trailing. This process became known as ‘harbouring’ the animal.

Several limers might be sent out to different parts of the forest. The handlers would then report back to their lord, or the chief huntsman, who would decide on the one "which seemed to have harbored the greatest and oldest Deere, and hym which lyeth in the fairest covert". Then the huntsmen would bring the pack of scent hounds, known as ‘raches’, or ‘running hounds'. Raches might be set in relays along the path where the quarry could be expected to run, held in couples, to be released on the huntsman’s signal. The game animal would be put to flight or ‘unharboured’ and the pack would follow it on its hot scent until it was brought to bay and killed.

If the quarry escaped the pack, perhaps wounded, or if the hunt was overtaken by nightfall, the huntsmen would mark the point where the quarry was last known to have been, and the lords and ladies of the hunt would return to the hunting lodge, or to the pavilions which had been erected for them in the forest, to sleep or occupy themselves with feasting. The limer and its handler would then set about the task of harbouring the quarry again, perhaps by following its blood-trail, and either the injured animal would be dispatched, or the hunt would resume as before.


