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This piglix contains articles or sub-piglix about Food and drink awards
piglix posted in Food & drink by Galactic Guru

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Food and drink literary awards

This piglix contains articles or sub-piglix about Food and drink literary awards


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Food technology awards

This piglix contains articles or sub-piglix about Food technology awards


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Michelin Guide

This piglix contains articles or sub-piglix about Michelin Guide


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Food and drink award winners

This piglix contains articles or sub-piglix about Food and drink award winners


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Australian Distilled Spirits Awards

Australian Distilled Spirits Awards (ADSA) is an annual competition that commenced in 2015.

The ADSA is undertaken by the Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria (RASV) in conjunction with the Australian Distillers Association. Judging of the awards is conducted at Melbourne Showgrounds, with the Awards presentation dinner held during Royal Melbourne Fine Food Awards in Melbourne, Australia.


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The British Curry Awards

The British Curry Awards is an annual awards dinner dedicated to the British curry industry. It was established in 2005 by Enam Ali MBE, FIH and has continued to this day. Each individual award is split for geographic purposes-regional splits of Scotland, North West, North East, Midlands, Wales, South East, South West, North East, London Central and City, and London Suburbs-and expertise; the awards themselves are in association with Kukd.com, an online food delivery service. Categories for each award include Best Casual Dining, Best Delivery Restaurant and Best Newcomer.

Enam Ali’s original purpose for creating the British Curry Awards was to open up new and national shopping opportunities to a new generation of restaurateurs. The original concept for the awards was initially frowned upon due to the public believing the event only catered to Indians and Bangladeshi. This mentality sparked legal debates of which Enam Ali fought to preserve the integrity of the new product. After realizing the birth of British-styled curry and its effect on the industry, the goal of the British Curry Awards became more refined and geared towards assisting those attempting to give the dish a new identity.

Believing that the dish was refined and mastered within British influence, the British Curry Awards now exist to celebrate the British curry industry as well as variations of the dish around the world. Since its initial start in 2005, the British Curry Awards has welcomed celebrity and chef alike, including the Queen and David Cameron, who coined the event as “Britain’s curry ‘Oscars’.” To this day it continues to be broadcast live over media and held in London’s Battersea Evolution and hosted by a variety of people. Judges are often chosen through and sponsored through Kukd.com and range from food journalists and critics, to TV hosts and important officials.

The influence of India’s food over Britain is stark and great. The beginning of this transference of cultures was sparked about by British occupation of Indian territory. A deeper look into India’s society explains the clash of cultures when Britain first occupied. It was due to British occupation of India that curry was first carried over into British diets, the food serving as a strange but stable favorite among the Western world. Because of this embrace of India's natural cuisine, new variations of the original homeland recipe were created, sparking the British curry industry.

While the British Curry Awards did not create Britain's spin on the Indian dish, it did help to popularize and brand British-styled curry. It is a culmination of the long history Britain has had with India, be it through negative or positive aspects. Because of the many styles of curry that exist today, the British Curry Awards serve as a cultural blending spot to celebrate the dish in its entirety.


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Captain Edward F. Ney Memorial Award

The Captain Edward F. Ney Award for food service excellence is given to Galleys which earn a five-star rating from a Navy evaluation team.

The Secretary of the Navy and the International Food Service Executives Association established the Capt. Edward F. Ney Memorial Awards Program in 1958. The award is designed to improve food service operations and recognize the best general messes in the Navy.

Capt. Ney served as head of the Subsistence Division of the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts between 1940 and 1945.

After the year 1999, the Ney Awards are determined by a one-day, surprise inspection conducted by evaluation teams made up of senior Navy mess management specialists and members of the IFSEA. Prior to that, the inspections were scheduled.


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Cup of Excellence

The Cup of Excellence is an annual competition held in several countries to identify the highest quality coffees produced. It is organised by the Alliance for Coffee Excellence, which was founded by George Howell and Susie Spindler. The winning coffees are sold in internet auctions. The concept was developed by the Gourmet Coffee Project of the International Coffee Organization (ICO). This project was devised by Pablo Dubois, Head of Operations of the ICO and Frans Bolvenkel, of the International Trade Centre (ITC) at a meeting in Geneva in late 1994. This project, supervised by the ICO, managed by the ITC and largely financed by the Common Fund for Commodities, ran from 1995 to 2000, and aimed to develop methodologies for the creation of new "gourmet" or high-quality speciality coffees. The Cup of Excellence competition has been dubbed as the 'Oscars of the coffee world'.

The competitions began in 1999. By 2013 they were held in Brazil, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Burundi, Rwanda, Colombia and Bolivia. In the course of the competition each coffee is tested at least five times. Only those coffees that get high scores continuously move forward in the competition. The final winners are awarded the Cup of Excellence and sold via an internet auction to the highest bidder.



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European Beer Star

The European Beer Star is a beer competition, held in 2013 for the tenth time. Consideration is given to types of beer which have their origins in Europe. All breweries can participate: local, regional, national and worldwide operating breweries, not only from Europe but from all countries.

Prizes are awarded to the beers which best fulfill the respective type criteria, and whose taste and quality impresses the most. In 2012, more than 1,300 beers were tested, an increase of 23% compared with 2011.

This award has been initiated by the associations Private Brauereien Deutschland, Private Brauereien Bayern and SIB - the association of small and independent breweries of Europe.

The tasting is carried out by an expert jury, of independent beer experts from across the world. The yardstick is not the technical laboratory analysis, but a rating from the consumer's viewpoint of sense and taste. The aim of the blind tasting is to find the beers which best fulfill the type criteria of each category and whose taste as well as quality are the most convincing.

In each category, the three best beers are awarded a gold, silver and bronze medal. Less than three prizes will be awarded if there are no three beers which meet the specified quality and category standards.

Visitors to Brau Beviale, a trade fair for the international beverage industry held in Nuremberg, will have the opportunity to cast their vote which beer they prefer.


