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This piglix contains articles or sub-piglix about Mad Max characters...Wikipedia

piglix posted in Movies by Galactic Guru

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imageImperator Furiosa

Imperator Furiosa is a fictional character and protagonist of the 2015 film Mad Max: Fury Road. She is a soldier under Immortan Joe, whom she betrays in order to free "The Five Wives", Joe's female concubines (or "breeders").

She meets Max Rockatansky during her journey, and despite initial hostility, the two become allies and team up to drive The Five Wives to a safe environment called The Green Place.

Imperator Furiosa is introduced early in the film during a speech made by Immortan Joe, during which she is shown to work logistics for Joe's citadel, specifically charged with the task of ferrying oil from Gas Town to the Citadel. To expedite the process Furiosa is granted command over a small outfit of warboys – men who serve as Joe's armed force – and entrusted with the "war rig", a heavily armed and armored tractor trailer truck complete with a tri-axle tanker trailer capable of towing an additional fuel tank trailer (or "pod"). After being dispatched to Gas Town, Furiosa abruptly changes course and heads off road, precipitating a battle in which Furiosa shows her combat and tactical skills, defending the tanker truck from scavengers and later from a party of warboys sent out to stop her. After meeting with Max the two end up working together, drawing on their respective experiences surviving in hostile environments to overcome the challenges of fighting against Immortan Joe's forces.

Eventually, Furiosa reaches her birthplace, whereupon she is received as one of the Vuvalini of Many Mothers. In a subsequent council Furiosa initially opts to join the Vuvalini in their trek across the salt flats to find a new home, but is persuaded to return to the Citadel by Max when he points out that it is the closest known source of water. More importantly, Max points out that with the bulk of Joe's forces engaged in pursuing Furiosa, Joe's Citadel is unlikely to be well manned against an incursion. Capitalizing on this opportunity, Furiosa leads the rag-tag group of rebels back to the Citadel, in the process engaging in a running battle with several groups of vehicles manned by the warboys. Ultimately, Furiosa is able to board Joe's truck, and slays the dictator. Upon returning to the citadel in Joe's truck, Max displays Joe's dead body, resulting in widespread admiration for Furiosa and her exploits. She is last seen ascending into the citadel on a lift used to move vehicles into and out of the facility.

One of the scripts completed for a Fury Road sequel was entitled Mad Max: Furiosa, and George Miller hoped to film it after the release of Fury Road.

However, when Miller was talking to Digital Spy in an interview, he said:

"I'm not sure, is the answer. She's not in the Mad Max [sequel] story, but in one of the stories there's an interaction between [Max and Furiosa]. I can't really say more than that because it's still in progress."


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Nux is one of the main characters in Mad Max: Fury Road, portrayed by Nicholas Hoult. He is a member of Immortan Joe's army of War Boys and lives in the settlement known as The Citadel, but later allies himself with Max Rockatansky and Imperator Furiosa after feeling responsible for the death of Angharad, one of Joe's five Wives.

Nux's family is unusual for staying together out of love and refusing to sell one another out for a better life. When his mother dies of illness and his father is sent away to perform dangerous work, Nux is left alone and captured. He becomes a War Pup brought up as a mechanic in The Citadel after being taken in by the War Boys. Fanatically believing in the "Cult of the V8", the surrogate fatherhood of Immortan Joe, and all things mechanical he desperately wants to come as close as possible to being a machine himself. This influences his choice of chrome spray as a drug. His religious devotion is represented by engine block scarification on his chest and his desire to "die historic on the Fury Road", which is the desire of most War Boys due to the fact they have "half lives" (meaning that they die young). He takes on the name "Nux" meaning "a hard nut to crack".

Nux — much like the rest of the War Boys — is inherently sick and on the brink of dying because of the environmental hazards. He has developed two deadly tumors on his neck whom he affectionately calls "Larry & Barry". Nux sees the Furiosas' escape as the perfect opportunity to prove his devotion to Immortan Joe and enter the afterlife in Valhalla. When the mission to intercept Imperator Furiosa and Joe's wives begins, Nux sees his colleague Slit collect a steering wheel. Nux begs for the chance to accompany Slit with his "blood bag" Max. Nux straps Max to the front of his vehicle and gives chase almost immolating himself until Max stops him.

The following morning when Nux awakes, Max is fighting Furiosa and her fugitives despite still being tethered to Nux. Believing that Max seeks the promised reward, Nux helps him to break free. However, Max drives off with the women leaving Nux to sneak aboard Furiosa's War Rig. When he is discovered, he is berated as "fodder for an old man's war" and thrown off. Upon reuniting with the War Boys, Nux claims that he knows a way onto the War Rig and brandishes a scrap of white cloth from a woman's dress as proof. Joe gives Nux the task of shooting Furiosa in the head, but Nux fumbles the gun almost immediately. A skirmish breaks out leading to the death of Joe's favourite wife Angharad which further compounds Nux's humiliation.


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imageMax Rockatansky

Max Rockatansky is the title character and protagonist of the post-apocalyptic action films from the Mad Max franchise, which spans 1979 to 2015. He appears in the films Mad Max, Mad Max: The Road Warrior, Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, and Mad Max: Fury Road. Created by director George Miller and producer Byron Kennedy, the character was played by actor Mel Gibson in the first three films, and by Tom Hardy in the fourth.

In Mad Max, Max Rockatansky is a Main Force Patrol officer fighting for peace on the roads of a dystopic Australia. Max is quiet, rarely speaking to any great extent, and never paying much attention to his steadily increasing reputation. He and his wife, Jessie, have an infant son, referred to only as "Sprog" (slang for 'child') in the movie.

Though the best officer on the force, he is secretly afraid that he is becoming as cold and heartless as the criminals he pursues. He reaches a breaking point when a gang of criminally insane bikers known as the Acolytes burn Max's partner Goose alive inside a borrowed ute. The sight of the barely-living Goose's burnt body convinces Max to go on holiday with Jessie and Sprog. This only leads to a chain of events that results in the Acolytes killing Max's wife and child. Overwhelmed with grief and rage, he goes AWOL from the MFP, steals their Pursuit Special, and systematically pursues and kills each gang member responsible. Max is injured in an ambush set for him by the Acolytes' leader Toecutter, where he is shot in the left leg and has his right arm run over at the elbow. Despite his injuries, he manages to fatally shoot gang lieutenant Bubba Zanetti and pursues the Toecutter to his death. After hunting down final gang member Johnny the Boy and leaving him in a death trap, Max drives out into the wasteland, leaving the fading remnants of civilization behind him.


