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Mathe Forum Schule und Studenten


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Does your work profile have unsupervised access with children? Then you may need a Working with Children Check.

The other type of screening pre-employment test usually required in various industries where workers may come into contact with children is known as Working with Children Check (WWCC). There is no single national requirement in Australia for receiving a WWCC, and each state and territory has its own processes and requirements.

Are you a resident of Victoria? Then may have to obtain a Working with Children Check in VIC from the Department of Justice and Regulation if you aged 18 years or above.

WWCC is not transferrable between states. So, it is always recommended to contact the relevant body of the state/territory before applying for the check. Meanwhile, KONCHECK can help you to obtain a National Police Check, which is valid all over Australia.

piglix posted in Service by Rising Star
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