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High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Pipes and Fittings

HDPE pipes and HDPE fittings are high density polyethylene produced from raw material  municipal, industrial, Maritime issues, mining, storage, channel, and agricultural practices such as the large solution in the range are used. HDPE pipe is strong, durable, flexible and lightweight. Unique features and cost in terms of concrete, steel, Pvc pipeHDPE pipes and HDPE fittings are  the best options according to application.

Drinking water, compressed gas systems, sewage pipe systems, irrigation and landscaping pipes , telecommunication   pipes , storage , channel, which most widely used in the field of Agriculture and pipes high density polyethylene pipes, corrosion, abrasion and chemical resistance to a high resistance. You can get more information from our website http://www.kuzeyborugroup.com

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