Points System
A comprehensive points system to reward users and contributors of the site's content.
When a piglix, piglet or comment is voted upon, the user who posted it will gain / lose points accordingly. These points serve to express the views of the community as to the correctness, accuracy and presentation quality of the post.
For example, if you create an interesting and/or useful piglix (20 points) or piglet (7 points), it will likely be voted up. On the other hand if the piglix is poorly-worded, misleading or distasteful - it will likely be voted down. Each up vote on a piglix will generate 1 point(s), whereas each vote against will subtract 1 point(s).
piglix points are immensely valuable as they may at a later stage, be convertible into crypt-currency. Therefore only 'Registered Users' are permitted to perform posting and/or voting activities on piglix.
Further, if the content you post on piglix is particularly offensive it will very likely be 'flagged' by the community which may result in the content being disqualified and removed, In such cases the points that may have been earned for the effort will be forfeited without recourse. Administrators also have the privileges to edit, alter, correct or remove any content that they deem to be not in accordance with the Terms & Conditions or Community Policy as published.