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This piglix contains articles or sub-piglix about Pizzerias in the United States
piglix posted in Food & drink by Galactic Guru
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Zume Pizza

imageZume Pizza

Zume Pizza is an automated pizza delivery restaurant in Mountain View, California. It was founded in 2016 by Alex Garden and by Julia Collins, who is CEO.

The company uses robots for many stages of pizza production. Initially, humans shaped the pizza dough and added toppings; as of September 2016 the pizzas are cooked en route in a van equipped with 56 GPS-equipped automated ovens, timed to be ready shortly before arrival at the address, and are then sliced by a self-cleaning robot cutter. The company has secured a patent on the cooking of food during delivery, which includes predictive algorithms to anticipate customer choices, and plans to partner with other businesses to also provide other robot-prepared meal components, such as salads and desserts.

Zume is reported to have raised $6 million in investment funding, some from Jerry Yang and some from SignalFire, a venture capital firm that identifies investment opportunities using machine learning.

Coordinates: 37°23′56″N 122°05′02″W / 37.398925°N 122.083925°W / 37.398925; -122.083925


