The Zuiderzee Museum, located on Wierdijk in the historic center of Enkhuizen, is a Dutch museum devoted to preserving the cultural heritage and maritime history from the old Zuiderzee region. With the closing of the Afsluitdijk (Barrier Dam) on May 6, 1932, the Zuiderzee was split in two parts: the waters below the Afsluitdijk are now called the IJsselmeer, while the waters north of it are called the Waddenzee.
Enkhuizen is called 'Haringstad' (Herring Town) and was an important fishing port for centuries until the Zuiderzee was closed off in 1932 by the construction of the Barrier Dam. The fishing grounds were now fresh-water and the fish changed from fish like herring and anchovy to eel, smelt and red perch. Nowadays, eels are rare in the IJsselmeer; the most probably causes are water pollution, and the industrial fishing of their offspring ("glass eels" due to their transparency) during their travels back to Europe from the eels' breeding waters in the Sargasso Sea for rearing in land-based containers. The large number of cormorants in the region also feed off eel.
The impetus for the founding of the Zuiderzeemuseum in Enkhuizen was an exhibition that was held around 1930 in the park along the sea wall. In this Zuiderzee Visscherij Tentoonstelling (Southern Sea Fishing Exhibition) (ZVT) were displayed cardboard houses and costumed locals from around the Zuiderzee. The plans for a museum were put on hold as the threat of war rose (and as it subsequently broke out). In the summer of 1949 the first exhibition was set up in the Drommedaris, the 16th century defensive tower in the harbour; this marked the birth of the indoor part of the museum.
Due to the success of this exhibition, the Zuiderzeemuseum obtained warehouses on the Wierdijk (including the Peperhuis) from seed company Sluis and Groot for the symbolic amount of 1 guilder. The Dutch government eventually took over these buildings and restored them, and maintains them until today.
The indoor museum, consisting of a string of (original and replicated) 17th century buildings of which some were used by the VOC, contains both temporary exhibitions as well permanent installations. Most notably is the 'Schepenhal' (ship's hall), which allows visitors a close-up view of some of the more common historical types of boats from the Zuiderzee's rich fishing industry as well as some recreational sailing ships. Among these beautiful boats is the Sperwer (sparrowhawk), a 'boeier' once owned by the English adventurer Merlin Minshall, who sailed this boat from England over the Danube to the Black Sea in the 1930s for his honeymoon, and a second time for the English secret service. Also a historic 'Midzwaardjacht' (Centreboard) is on display.