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Zendikar logo.svg
Released October 2, 2009
Size 249 cards (15 Mythic, 53 Rare, 60 Uncommon, 101 Common, 20 Basic Land)
Keywords Kicker, Intimidate
Mechanics Ally, Landfall, Trap instants, Quest enchantments
Designers Mark Rosewater (lead), Doug Beyer, Graeme Hopkins, Kenneth Nagle, Matt Place

Henry Stern (lead), Aaron Forsythe, Mark Globus, Erik Lauer,

Devin Low, Matt Place, Mike Turian, Steve Warner
Development code Live
Expansion code ZEN
First set in the
Zendikar block
Zendikar Worldwake Rise of the Eldrazi
Masters Edition III Worldwake
Alara Block Scars of Mirrodin Block
common expansion symbol
hedron beginning to open
Released February 5, 2010
Size 145 cards(10 Mythic Rares, 35 Rares, 40 Uncommons, 60 Commons)
Keywords Multikicker
Mechanics Ally, Landfall
Designers Ken Nagle (lead), Kelly Digges, Mark Globus, Matt Place, Mark Rosewater
Developers Mike Turian (Lead), Mark Globus (design rep), Tom LaPille, Erik Lauer, Scott Johns, Mons Johnson
Development code Long
Expansion code WWK
Second set in the
Zendikar block
Zendikar Worldwake Rise of the Eldrazi
Zendikar Rise of the Eldrazi
Alara Block Scars of Mirrodin Block
Rise of the Eldrazi
common expansion symbol
hedron opened
Released April 23, 2010
Size 248 cards (228 cards plus 20 lands) (15 mythic rares, 53 rares, 60 uncommons, 100 commons)
Keywords Annihilator, Totem Armor, Rebound
Mechanics Colourless Creatures, Annihilator, Totem Armor, Rebound, Level Up
Designers Brian Tinsman (lead), Aaron Forsythe, Graeme Hopkins, Gregory Marques, Bill McQuillian, Devin Low
Developers Matt Place (lead), Mark Globus, Erik Lauer, Gregory Marques, Mark Rosewater
Development code Prosper
Expansion code ROE
Third set in the
Zendikar block
Zendikar Worldwake Rise of the Eldrazi
Worldwake Magic 2011
Alara Block Scars of Mirrodin Block

Henry Stern (lead), Aaron Forsythe, Mark Globus, Erik Lauer,

The Zendikar block is a Magic: The Gathering block consisting of the sets Zendikar (October 2, 2009),Worldwake (February 5, 2010), and Rise of the Eldrazi (April 23, 2010). The eponymous setting is a vast, untamed wilderness, whose few bastions of civilization exist primarily for outfitting treasure-seeking expeditions to distant locales. Colossal ancient octahedral stones called "hedrons" float in the sky (hedrons are the expansion symbols for all three blocks). A phenomenon known as "the Roil" causes frequent geological upheaval as it sweeps across the land. Unlike the previous two blocks, there is no multicolored theme (in fact, every colored card in the set is monocolored). Instead, the themes Zendikar and Worldwake revolve around lands, and a theme of an adventure or quest.Rise of the Eldrazi, while part of the Zendikar block creatively and for the sake of constructed tournament rules, is unique mechanically and is designed to be drafted on its own. Drafts in the Zendikar block are either ZEN-ZEN-WWK or ROE-ROE-ROE.

As the harsh habitats of Zendikar become more dangerous, planeswalker characters gather to Zendikar to explore the ancient ruins for vast treasures and search for answers. The land itself comes to life and ravages its surroundings, consuming forests and destroying mountains. The inhabitants seek answers from their ancestors to discover the cause of this worldwide awakening.

The set's storyline revolves around the awakening of the Eldrazi: ancient, powerful beings who travel the multiverse and gain sustenance by consuming entire planes for mana. Their home realm is the "Blind Eternities," a space between planes where they transcended the colors of mana as known to the planeswalkers of the Multiverse. Many ages ago they were trapped in Zendikar, but the events of the Worldwake set accidentally released them. Now altruistic planeswalkers must team up with the denizens of Zendikar to stop them. According to Mark Rosewater, the concept of the Eldrazi is inspired by both the Cthulhu mythos and the Marvel Comics character Galactus. After following Chandra to Zendikar, Gideon Jura found the plane besieged by the awakened Eldrazi. Abandoning his mission to find Chandra, Gideon fights the powerful Eldrazi to protect the inhabitants of Zendikar.

The first cards revealed from the set were a selection of basic lands, each printed with both a traditional frame and a full-art frame reminiscent of lands from Unglued and Unhinged. Cards with the "Landfall" mechanic have effects that are triggered when a land enters the battlefield under the card's owner's control. Adding to the land theme, there are a number of non-basic lands, including lands with a variety of enters-the-battlefield effects that were formerly restricted to creatures.

