The Yardliyawara otherwise known as the Jadliaura were an indigenous Australian people of South Australia.
The Yardliyawara spoke a language that has been classified as one of the Karnic languages, though this has been disputed, and is now classified as a dialect of Yarli.
Norman Tindale describes their tribal lands as extending over some 7,400 sq. milers, from east of the northern sector of the Flinders Ranges, from Wertaloona south to Carrieton and Cradock. IN an easterly direction the boundaries ran to Frome Downs;, and Holowilena Station on Siccus River. To the west the boundaries extended to Arkaba and Hawker.
The Yardliyawara are often subsumed under a collective tribal grouping as one of the Adnyamathanha ('Hill People'), which embraces also several other distinct groups such as the Wailpi, Kuyani, Piladappa and Pangkala tribes. Their territory around Wertaloona had a variety of sandstone that could be used to manufacture millstones, and northern tribes would come down to trade for it.
The Yardliyawara imposed circumcision on young males undergoing initiation but refused to adopt the rite of subincision practiced by some of their neighbours.