Workamping, a portmanteau, blending "work" and "camping," is a form of tent or RV (primarily) camping involving singles, couples or families who work part-time or full-time. The people who are Workamping can be called Workampers. The term "Workamper" was coined by and is a registered trademark of Workamper News. A Workamper combines part-time or full-time paid or volunteer work with RV or tent camping. Workampers generally receive compensation in the form of a free campsite, usually with free utilities (electricity, water, and sewer hookups) and additional wages. Workamping positions can include working at campgrounds, RV resorts, mobile home communities, Christmas tree or pumpkin sales lots, amusement parks, motels/hotels, national parks, state parks, U.S. Army Corps of Engineer locations, national monuments, lighthouses, retail stores, food service, sales and more. Many Workamping positions are filled by couples who can share the labor, though having a partner is not a requirement. Workamping is particularly popular among retirees.
But some workamper jobs are low-paid, hard work, and some workampers travel around the country because they can't find work any other way.
While year round Workamping jobs do exist, the majority of Workamping positions are seasonal—from March/April/May to September/October in northern states or at high altitudes, and during the winter for southern climates, including Florida, Texas and the Southwest.
Volunteer camp hosts generally trade their labor for a free campsite, without any additional compensation. Because of minimum wage restrictions set by the Fair Labor Standards Act, volunteer camp host positions are generally limited to government-run campgrounds. The National Park Service, National Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, and Corps of Engineers all use work-campers to staff many of their campgrounds. Work campers can also volunteer their time at charitable organizations like education facilities, children's homes/camps, animal shelters, etc.