William Tulio Divale is a professor of anthropology at York College, City University of New York in Jamaica, New York, USA.
Divale was a past chairman of the Social Sciences Department. He received his PhD degree from the University at Buffalo in 1974. He is the publisher of the World Cultures eJournal.
He has received two medals for one of his specialties, cross-cultural studies. He was also Past President of the Society for Cross-Cultural Research (2000) and is the current president again (2009).
He also co-authored the book (with James Joseph) "I Lived Inside The Campus Revolution." (1970) Cowles Book Co, New York, and authored "Matrilocal Residence In Pre-Literate Societies." (1984) Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press. He has also authored over 25 publications in scientific journals.
He has conducted fieldwork in La Gomera, Canary Islands (1973–76), and in the Republic of Moldova (Eastern Europe) (2005–Present).
Admitted government spy and informant. The known amount of this is disclosed in his book "I Lived Inside the Campus Revolution".
Mylonas, K., Furnham, A., Konstantinidis, E., Papazoglou, S., Divale, W., Leblebici, C., Gondim, S., Moniz, A., Grad, H., Alvaro, J.-L., Cretu, R.-Z., Filus, A., & Boski, P. 2013. The Explanations for Unemployment Scale: An Eight-Country Study on Factor Equivalence. In Y. Kashima, E. Kashima, & R. Beatson (Eds.), Steering the cultural dynamics: Selected papers from the 2010 Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. Melbourne, Australia: International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. Accessed via www.iaccp.org
William Divale, Vadim Aftene, Vadim Moldovan, Anatol Nacu 2011. Parental Acceptance-Rejection and Influence of Father-Absence on the Chronically Mentally Ill in Moldova (Eastern Europe). In, Kourkoutas, Ε. & Erkman, F. (Eds.). Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection: Social, Emotional, and Educational Contexts. Boca Raton, FL: Brown Walker Press, pps 163-172
Vadim Moldovan, Ph.D., William Divale, Ph.D., Constantin Turcan, M.D., Anatol Carpa, M.D., Anatol Nacu, PhD./M.D., Alexander Socrovisciuc, M.D., Vladimir Sterpu, M.D./Ph.D., Virginia Fauras, M.D., Vadim Aftene, M.D., Daniel Paladiciuc, M.D., Ludmila Petrova, M.D., Maria Victoria Cardona-Divale, M.A., E. Ed. (2008) Services for the Chronically Mentally Ill in Moldova: A Struggle to Survive. The International Journal of Mental Health, Vol. 36, No. 4. 46-56