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P cartesian graph.svg
General statistics

While you read this, and its sister projects develop at a rate of over 10 edits per second, performed by editors from all over the world. Currently, the includes 5,418,568 articles and it averages 800 new articles per day. This amount of data can be analysed in a huge number of ways. The best way to get an idea of the bigger picture is with statistics.

A relatively stable 10% of editors who make over 5 edits each month make over 100 edits.

Graph showing the number of days between every 10,000,000 edits.

The following tools include artistic, graphs, maps and other visualization projects.

There are available some datasets that you can download and process:

The following statistical resources are currently unavailable or no longer updated, and listed for historical interest. They are sorted by the month in which they were last updated:

