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Wikipedia:Size of Wikipedia

English articles: 5,396,867
Average revisions: 21.12
Total admins: 1,258
Total users: 30,832,402
UTC time: 22:55 on 2017-May-1
P cartesian graph.svg
General statistics

This page measures the size of the English-language edition of ; mostly page and article count, with some information on the more complicated question of the size of the database. As of 1 May 2017, there are 5,396,867 articles in the .

with parameters:

Some characteristics of this model are:

This model is related to the quantity (number of articles). The quality might still increase independently.

The two graph images show: in the first graph, the historical and expected total number of articles; in the second graph, the monthly growth rate, slowing since late 2006 (line sloping downward).

Detailed analysis of the data shows that from 2006 to 2009 the article growth rate followed a six-monthly cycle with faster growth in February and August than in May and November. This cycle does not appear in the growth-rate graph here, because the values shown in the graph have been averaged over periods of six months.

It is important to take into account whether the data is compressed, and if so what compression scheme is used.

As of June 2015, the dump of all pages with complete edit history in XML format at is about 100 GB compressed using 7-Zip, and 10 TB uncompressed.

As of February 2013, the XML file containing current pages only, no user or talk pages, was 42,987,293,445 bytes uncompressed (43 GB). The XML file with current pages, including user and talk pages, was 93,754,003,797 bytes uncompressed (93 GB). The full history dumps, all 174 files of them, took 10,005,676,791,734 bytes (10 TB).

Other sources for recent size estimates are

Distribution of the 44,515,665 articles in different language editions (as of 1 May 2017)

Articlecount topten wikipedia.svg

Codes: en - English • • • • • • • • •


