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Wikipedia:Requested pictures

Note that the words image, diagram, photograph and picture are sometimes interchangeable, and when making a request you should not take the wording too literally. You may want an image of something from a time before cameras were invented but the request can be fulfilled via a photograph of a picture or scanning or creating a diagram or a screenshot of a computer image.

Before posting, please perform the following steps:

There are two methods for requesting an image:

Note: Either or both methods together can be used for a request; however, using the {{}} template is the preferred method, as that is better monitored and managed.

You may add one of the image request templates, such as: {{}} - {{}} - {{}} - {{}} or {{}} to the article's talk page. This will automatically place the article into . Additional templates are available at .

Please note that the main template to request an image is {{}}.

To add articles to subcategories of , use {{}} with the following format: {{|subject|in=location}} .

Although it is possible to add just the template {{}} to a talk page, it is strongly advised that you add at least one category parameter. If you don't categorize your request, it will not receive attention from subject/regional photographers, and it is more likely to be deleted by other editors.

For example, if a picture of a specific car is required, then the following should be added to the talk page: {{|cars}} - this will place the page into . Pictures of places should be sorted by location, for example: {{|in=Norway}} .

Adding more than one subject to the list of parameters will bring it to the attention of more people. For example, if the subject is found in a location (or predominantly is in one country), then you can add an additional category, like so: {{|computer equipment|in=Russia}} .

If you want a specific image of the article subject, it is possible to add detailed text. For example, on the talk page of a specific building: {{|architecture|in=London|of=main entrance hall}} .

For a full list of categories being used, go to . When selecting a category, please click down to the most relevant subcategory, and select the most appropriate to the topic of the article requiring a photograph. Adding more than one subject category in the template is recommended.

