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Wiener Bonbons

Wiener Bonbons
by Johann Strauss II
Wiener bonbons.jpg
Cover of the piano score.
(Published by WIEN.C.A.SPINA)
Form waltz

Wiener Bonbons (Vienna Sweets) op. 307 is a waltz by Johann Strauss II written in 1866. It was first performed on 28 January 1866 at the ball of the Association of Industrial Societies held in the Redoutensaal and was dedicated to the influential Princess Pauline Metternich-Winneburg the wife of then Austrian ambassador to Paris.

The festivity was meant to raise funds to be donated to the construction of German hospitals in Paris and Strauss' younger brother Josef was initially supposed to be conducting music at the ball without his brother Johann's anticipated presence. Johann himself was happy to draw back from conducting at such occasions in addition to allowing Josef to compose a dedication piece for the event although at the last minute, the elder brother opted to contribute a waltz of his own to glorify the event. The result was the waltz 'Wiener Bonbons' combining Viennese waltz with Parisian flair. The title also cheekly unites both nationalities via its title and even the title page shows the work's name in twisted bonbon wrappers.

Waltz 1
 \relative c' {
  \new PianoStaff <<
   \new Staff { \key g \minor \time 3/4 
    \tempo \markup {
     \column {
      s8 \slashedGrace d'8 <bes' d> r r4 r \slashedGrace d,8 <bes' d> r r4 r \slashedGrace d,8 <bes' d>2.~ <bes d>4 <fis a>( <g bes>) \slashedGrace a8( <a c>) r r4 r \slashedGrace a8( <a c>) r r4 r \slashedGrace a8( <a c>2.~) <a c>4 <d, fis>( <ees g>) \slashedGrace g8( <g bes>) r r4 r \slashedGrace g8( <g bes>) r r4 r \slashedGrace g8( <g bes>2.~) <g bes>4 f-. g <c, ees a>8-. r r4 <c ees g>8-. r <c ees f>8-. r r4 <c ees g>8-. r <c ees a>-. r r4 <c ees g>8-. r <c ees f>-. r r4 <c ees>8-. r
   \new Dynamics {
    s8 s\pp
   \new Staff { \key g \minor \time 3/4 \clef bass
      s8 bes,,4 <f' bes d> <f bes d> bes, <f' bes d> <f bes d> bes, <f' bes d> <f bes d> bes, <f' bes d> <f bes d> ees <g c ees> <g c ees> ees <g c ees> <g c ees> ees <g c ees> <g c ees> ees <g c ees> <g c ees> f <bes d> <bes d> f <bes d> <bes d> f <bes d> <bes d> f <bes d> <bes d> f, <f' a ees'> <f a ees'> f, <f' a ees'> <f a ees'> f, <f' a ees'> <f a ees'> f, <f' a ees'> <f a ees'>

