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Who's Who (comics)

Volume Info Cover Date
I Abel to Auron March 1985
II Automan to Blackhawk Plane/Island April 1985
III Black Lightning to Byth May 1985
IV Cadre to Chris KL-99 June 1985
V Chronos to Cyclotron July 1985
VI Daily Planet to Doctor Polaris August 1985
VII Doctor Psycho to Fastback September 1985
VIII Fatal Five to Garguax October 1985
IX Garn Daanuth to Guardians of the Universe November 1985
X Gunner and Sarge to Hyena December 1985
XI Icicle to Jonni Thunder January 1986
XII Jonny Double to Kong the Untamed February 1986
XIII Krona to Losers March 1986
XIV Luthor I to Masters of Disaster April 1986
XV Matrix-Prime to Mister Tawky Tawny May 1986
XVI Mr. Terrific to Nightmaster June 1986
XVII Nightshade to Persuader July 1986
XVIII Phantom Girl to Pursuer August 1986
XIX Puzzler to Roy Raymond September 1986
XX Rubberduck to Shining Knight October 1986
XXI Shrinking Violet to Starfinger November 1986
XXII Starfire I to Syonide December 1986
XXIII Syrene to Time Trapper January 1987
XXIV Tim Trench to Universo February 1987
XXV Unknown Soldier to Witch Boy March 1987
XXVI Wizard to Zyklon, plus Angel & the Ape to The 1000 April 1987
Volume Info Cover Date
1 All-Star Squadron to Catalyst August 1987
2 Catwoman II to Goldstar September 1987
3 Gray Man to Lionmane October 1987
4 Lois Lane to Rampage November 1987
5 Reaper to Zymyr, plus Appendix December 1987
Volume Info Cover Date
1 Amazing-Man to Harlequin II August 1988
2 Icemaiden to Nightwing September 1988
3 Parliament of Trees to Trident October 1988
4 Ultra-Humanite to Zuggernaut, plus Abby Cable to Wade Eiling and Appendix November 1988
Issue Info Cover Date
Action Comics Annual #2 Entries for Cat Grant and Matrix June 1989
Batman Annual #13 Entries for Alfred Pennyworth, Barbara Gordon, Batman, Commissioner Gordon, Robin (Dick Grayson), Robin (Jason Todd), and Vicki Vale June 1989
Blackhawk Annual #1 Entries for Andre Blanc-Dumont, Blackhawk, Blackhawk Express, Carlo "Chuck" Sirianni, Grover Baines, Keng Quan Chee a.k.a. "Mairzey", Lady Blackhawk (Natalie Reed), Olaf Friedriksen, and Weng Chan May 1989
Detective Comics Annual #2 Entries for Catwoman, Clayfaces I-IV, Joker, Penguin, Poison Ivy, Ra's al Ghul, Riddler, Scarecrow, and Two-Face September 1989
Dr. Fate Annual #1 Entry for Dr. Fate September 1989
Flash Annual #3 Entries for Chunk, Flash (Jay Garrick), Flash (Barry Allen), Flash (Wally West), Jerry and Tina McGee, Joan Williams Garrick, Kapitalist Kouriers, Mary West, and Mason Trollbridge June 1989
Green Arrow Annual #2 Entries for Black Canary I, Black Canary II, Green Arrow, James Cameron, Shado, and Speedy July 1989
Justice League International Annual #3 Entries for JLI Embassy staff members (Anatole "Bob" Blazac, Boris Dmitravich Razumihin, Catherine Maureen Colbert, Cyndy Kurahara, Ernesto Lopez, Esteban Sanchez, Inada Akatsu, Joshua Barbazon, Michael and Lisa Morice, Rodan "Duke" Katatami, Rosa and Dana Rubikskova, and the Tasmanian Devil) July 1989
New Titans Annual #5 Entries for The Titan Seeds, The Titans of Myth, and Troia August 1989
Question Annual #2 Entries for Aristotle Rodor, Isadore O'Toole, Lady Shiva, Myra Fermin, and the Question July 1989
Secret Origins Annual #3 Entries for Antithesis, Bumblebee, Flamebird, Gargoyle, Golden Eagle, and Herald May 1989
Swamp Thing Annual #5 Entry for Swamp Thing August 1989
Wonder Woman Annual #2 Entry for The Mayer Agency September 1989
Issue Info Cover Date
1 Entries from Andorians to Leonard McCoy plus Appendix entries for Balok, Lt. Boma, Charlie Evans, Zefram Cochrane, the planet Cheron, John Gill, Landru, Angela Martine, Marlena Moreau, Admiral Harry Morrow, Nomad, Omicron Ceti III, Lt. Carolyn Palamas, Andrew Stiles, Captain Stiles, the Tholians, Trelane, Zarabeth and Zetar. March 1987
2 Entries from Marla McGivers to the Vulcans plus Appendix display of command symbols and the environmental jacket. April 1987
Issue Info Cover Date
1 History of the Legion (part one), plus entries for Absorbency Boy to Dr. Gym'll April 1988
2 History of the Legion (part two), plus entries for Dr. Mayavale to High Seer of Naltor June 1988
3 Planets of the 30th Century, plus entries for Heroes of Lallor to Legion of Super-Rejects July 1988
4 Homeworlds of the Legion, plus entries for Legion of Super-Villains to Mon-El August 1988
5 Tour of Legion Headquarters, plus entries for Mordru to Science Police September 1988
6 The Wonders of Metropolis, plus entries for Sden to Timber Wolf October 1988
7 The Nik Feelds Show, plus entries for Time Trapper to Zoraz November 1988
Issue Info Cover Date
1 Entries for Amanda Waller, Amethyst, Atlantis, Blue Beetle's Bug, Brotherhood of Dada, Cain and Abel, Challengers of the Unknown, Darkseid, Dominators, El Diablo, Fire, Geo-Force, Hawk, Jericho, Kono, Ma and Pa Kent, Ocean Master, Orion, Rokk Krinn, Scarecrow, Sinestro, Stanley and His Monster, Superman, Time Masters, and Wotan August 1990
2 Entries for Booster Gold, Captain Boomerang, Changeling, Deadline, Despero, Doctor Polaris, Flamebird, Flash, Hawkworld, I…Vampire, Katana, King Faraday, Laurel Gand, Maxima, Maxwell Lord, Metamorpho, Metron, Mordru, Mother Box, Mudpack, Naiad, Newsboy Legion, Secret Six, and Starman September 1990
3 Entries for Alfred Pennyworth, Apokolips, Black Racer, Brainiac, Brainiac 5, Chunk, Count Vertigo, Deadman, Deadshot, Gorilla Grodd, Green Lantern, Ice, Jade, Kadaver, Kestrel, Madame Xanadu, Manga Khan, New Guardians, Rebis, Reep Daggle, Silver Swan, Sinbad, Speedy, and Spider Girl October 1990
4 Entries for Barter, Blaze, Blue Beetle, Cheetah, Chronos, Desaad, Fastbak, Granny Goodness, Human Target, KGBeast/NKVDemon, Khunds, Lightning Lord, Lightray, Persuader, Phantom Lady, Plastic Man, Rocket Red, S.T.A.R. Labs, Troia, Ultra the Multi-Alien, Vandal Savage, Vril Dox II, Weather Wizard, and Wonder Woman November 1990
5 Entries for Batmobile, Chemo, Cyborg, Daxamites, Dr. Light I, Extremists, Hourman II, Jimmy Olsen, Jo Nah, Lyrissa Mallor, Mad Hatter, Martian Manhunter, Nightshade, Peacemaker, Penguin, Poison Ivy, Riddler, Sandman, Solomon Grundy, Sonar, Son of Vulcan, Toyman, Trickster, and Vigilante I December 1990
6 Entries for Adam Strange, Ayla Ranzz, Bolt, Captain Atom, Conglomerate, Copperhead, Crazy Jane, Dolphin, Dove, Floro, Fortress of Solitude, Gangbuster, Glorious Godfrey and Amazing Grace, Hawkman, Huntress, Kanjar Ro, Mister Bones, Mister Nebula and Scarlet Skier, Northwind, Power Girl, Royal Flush Gang, Sarge Steel, Snapper Carr, Vi, and Wildcat II January 1991
7 Entries for Aqualad, Barbara (Batgirl) Gordon, Blockbuster, Brother Power the Geek, Checkmate, The Chief, The Creeper, Darkseid's Elite, Demon, Elongated Man, Felix Faust, Global Guardians, Jan Arrah, Justice League America, Killer Croc, Major Force, New Genesis, Oberon, Parasite, Perry White, Phase, Shade the Changing Man, Tweedledee and Tweedledum, Wonder Woman Supporting Cast (Ed Indelicato, Etta Candy, Julia Kapatelis, Steve Trevor, Vanessa Kapatelis) February 1991
8 Entries for Ares, Black Thorn, Brain and Monsieur Mallah, Butcher, Byth, Captain Comet, Death, Durlans, Flaw and Child, Furball, Green Lantern John Stewart, Hero Hotline, Kent Shakespeare, Lobo, Nuklon, Phantom Stranger, Punch and Jewelee, Raven, Society of Sin, Spectre, Strata, Turtle, Ventriloquist, and Yuga Khan April 1991
9 Entries for Black Canary, Blue Devil, Bronze Tiger, Chuck Taine, Dev-Em, Dirk Morgna, Dr. Fate, Firehawk, Gim Allon, Glorith, Hugo Strange, Kalibak, Kilowog, Legion of Super-Heroes, Luornu Durgo Taine, Mysa Nal, Rhea Jones, Roxxas, Shadow Thief, Tenzil Kem, Terminator, Universo, Vicki Vale, and Vixen May 1991
10 Entries for Angel and the Ape, Dial "H" For Hero, Dorothy Spinner, Draaga/Death-Rite, Element Girl, Firestorm, Flash II, Flash Supporting Cast (Connie Noleski, Joan Williams Garrick, Linda Park, Mary West, Mason Trollbridge, The McGees), Garryn Bek, Hippolyte, Joe Potato, Jonni Thunder, Kilg%re, Lady Shiva, Lords of Order and Chaos, Nimbus, Patchwork Man, Robin, Shark, Starfire, Thorn, Velvet Tiger, Waverider, and Wild Dog June 1991
11 Entries for Big Barda, Boom Tube, Crimson Fox, Doctor Light II, Doctor Spectro, General Glory, Guardians of the Universe, Guy Gardner, Hell's Hierarchy, Joshua Clay, L.E.G.I.O.N., Legion SUBS, Legion Supporting Cast (Calorie Queen, Circe, King Jonn, Loomis, Marte Allon, Rond Vidar, Shvaughn Erin), LexCorp, Madman, Mister Miracle Scott Free, Mister Miracle Shilo Norman, Prankster, Rainbow Raider, Red Star, Sudden Death, Terra-Man, Two-Face, and Wanderers July 1991
12 Entries for Aquaman, Bibbo, Blasters, Blue Jay and Silver Sorceress, Cheshire, Elasti-Girl, G'nort, Hawkwoman, Highfather, Intergang, Klarion the Witch-Boy, Lois Lane, Man-Bat, Mera, Metal Men, Mister Freeze, Project Cadmus, Question, Red Tornado, Silver Banshee, Stealth, Suicide Squad, Tasmanian Devil, and Zatanna September 1991
13 Entries for Arkham Asylum, Batcave, Blackfire, Captain Cold, Cat-Man, Dark Circle, Doctor Psycho, Eclipso, Eradicator, Female Furies, Heat Wave, Joker, King Snake, Kobra, Lex Luthor, Metallo, Mirror Master, Mister Mxyzptlk, Psi-Phon and Dreadnaught, Psycho-Pirate, Ra's al Ghul, Reverse-Flash, Shrapnel, Starro, and Star Sapphire October 1991
14 Entries for Anarky, Animal Man, Catherine Cobert, Doctor Alchemy, Green Arrow, Injustice League, Invasion!, Lady Quark, Lana Lang and Pete Ross, Lord Chaos, Maxie Zeus, Millennium, New Titans, Nightwing, Obsidian, Pantha, Ragman, The Ranzz Family (Garth Ranzz, Imra Ranzz), Rex the Wonder Dog, Tamaran, Teen Titans, Untouchables, Valor, and Wildebeest November 1991
15 Entries for Abby Arcane, American Scream, Anton Arcane, Black Orchid, Cliff Steele, Danny the Street, Doom Patrol, Doom Patrol Rogues Gallery (The Beard Hunter, Red Jack, The Scissormen, and The Shadowy Mr. Evans), The Dreaming, The Endless, Flex Mentallo, John Constantine, Kathy George, Kid Eternity, Les Perdu, Matthew the Raven, Men From N.O.W.H.E.R.E., Mister E, Parliament of Trees, Swamp Thing, Tefé, Temptress, Three Witches, and Tim Hunter January 1992
16 Entries for Ambush Bug, Batman, Black Lightning, Catwoman, Circe, Commissioner Gordon, Cosmic Odyssey, Demon Supporting Cast (Glenda Mark, Harry Matthews, Randu Singh), Desaa...
