A white card (Chinese: 白牌) is a citizen-owned automobile in Hong Kong used as an illegal unlicensed taxi. The term is a reference to fake taxi licenses.
A White Card is also a mandatory requirement of the Australian government in order to work on a construction site. The White Card itself is a credit card sized Card, and is gained by completing a face-to-face or online White Card course, typically taking around 3 to 6 hours, including assessment, officially known as the "CPCCOHS1001A Work Safely In The Construction Industry" course. The government requirements of the course are listed on the Australian government training site listed in references below.
White cards have been used since the 1950s, when there was a shortage of public transportation. In the 1950s, Hong Kong taxis were limited in numbers. People started their own illegal businesses, and operated without any licenses or government regulation.