Watford postcode area | |
Postcode area | WD |
Postcode area name | Watford |
Post towns | 7 |
Postcode districts | 14 |
Postcode sectors | 70 |
Postcodes (live) | 7,520 |
Postcodes (total) | 15,321 |
Statistics as at February 2012 |
Postcode district boundaries: Bing / Google
The WD postcode area, also known as the Watford postcode area, is a group of eleven postcode districts in England, which are subdivisions of seven post towns. These postcode districts mostly cover south-west Hertfordshire and a small parts of Buckinghamshire and Greater London.
The main sorting office is at the Home Counties North Mail Centre in Hemel Hempstead, having been at the Watford Mail Centre until its closure in 2011. The area covered includes all of the borough of Watford, most of the Three Rivers district, the western part of the Hertsmere district and small parts of the Dacorum and St Albans districts. WD3 also covers the village of Chenies in the Chiltern district of Buckinghamshire, as well as the north-western extremity of Greater London - a small and mostly unpopulated protrusion of Harefield in the London Borough of Hillingdon.
The approximate coverage of the postcode districts:
In September 2000 districts WD17-19 and WD23-25 were created from the recoding of the WD1 and WD2 districts. BUSHEY is a new post town; having previously been part of the WD2 district of WATFORD. This was due to postcode exhaustion of WD1 and WD2 Another reason for the postcode revision was the old WD2 area included Bushey with North Watford. Bushey was to all intents a section of Watford sorting office up until 2000, all mail for WD2 was cut and tipped at Watford office. To change this new codes were created to enable direct bags to be opened at Bushey delivery office. Local union reps claim (archaic) that the reason Bushey Delivery Office was included with Watford was so Watford postal workers would attract outer London weighting as Bushey was in the London Metropolitan Police area at the time.