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Volley theory

Volley theory states that groups of neurons of the auditory system respond to a sound by firing action potentials slightly out of phase with one another so that when combined, a greater frequency of sound can be encoded and sent to the brain to be analyzed. The theory was proposed by Ernest Wever and Charles Bray in 1930 as a supplement to the frequency theory of hearing. It was later discovered that this only occurs in response to sounds that are about 500 Hz to 5000 Hz.

The volley theory was explained in depth in Ernest Wever's 1949 book, Theory of Hearing Groups of neurons in the cochlea individually fire at subharmonic frequencies of a sound being heard and collectively phase-lock to match the total frequencies of the sound. The reason for this is that neurons can only fire at a maximum of about 500 Hz but other theories of hearing did not explain for hearing sounds below about 5000 Hz.

Sounds are often sums of multiple frequency tones. When these frequencies are whole number multiples of a fundamental frequency they create a harmonic. When groups of auditory neurons are presented with harmonics, each neuron fires at one frequency and when combined, the entire harmonic is encoded into the primary auditory cortex of the brain. This is the basis of volley theory.

Phase-locking is known as matching amplitude times to a certain phase of another waveform. In the case of auditory neurons, this means firing an action potential at a certain phase of a stimulus sound being delivered. It has been seen that when being played a pure tone, auditory nerve fibers will fire at the same frequency as the tone. Volley theory suggests that groups of auditory neurons use phase-locking to represent subharmonic frequencies of one harmonic sound. This has been shown in guinea pig and cat models.

In 1980, Don Johnson experimentally revealed phase-locking in the auditory nerve fibers of the adult cat. In the presence of -40 to -100 decibel single tones lasting 15 or 30 seconds, recordings from the auditory nerve fibers showed firing fluctuations in synchrony with the stimulus. Johnson observed that during frequencies below 1000 Hz, two peaks are recorded for every cycle of the stimulus, which had varying phases according to stimulation frequency. This phenomenon was interpreted as the result of a second harmonic, phase-locking to the stimulus waveform. However, at frequencies between about 1000 Hz and 5000 Hz, phase-locking becomes progressively inaccurate and intervals tend to become more random.

