Viking Quest is a fictional TV show within a show in the TV series Entourage. It is referred to both by fictional characters and celebrities playing versions of themselves as a real show, and this conceit has been extended to promotional videos and a Flash game involving its star, Johnny Drama, outside of the show.
Within the Entourage universe, Viking Quest is presented as a cult science fiction and fantasy show with echoes of Xena: Warrior Princess.
In the television show Entourage, Viking Quest aired in 1997 on the Sci-Fi channel. The complete series was later released on DVD. The show seems to have developed something of a cult following, and is especially popular in France. In 2008, Viking Quest was re-released as a Special Edition DVD and promoted with a video game.
The show's tagline is "From the past... comes a warrior of the future."
The show featured Johnny "Drama" Chase as the lead character, Tarvold. Tarvold has a signature exclamation, "VICTORY!!!".
Tarvold hails from Northumbria. His ship is called the Gokstad (a reference to the Gokstad ship).
Vanessa Angel appeared as Angel in three episodes of Viking Quest. She then went on to star in a spin-off series called Angel Quest, which ran "5 times longer" than Viking Quest. This is a sly reference to the fact that in real life Vanessa Angel was originally cast as Xena in a three-episode arc for the television show Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. She dropped out; the part of Xena went to Lucy Lawless; and the subsequent spin-off series Xena: Warrior Princess went on to significantly eclipse its predecessor, both critically and commercially.