Vien de Nus is a red Italian wine grape variety that is grown primarily in the Valle d'Aosta DOC. It is particularly associated with the town of Nus where it is the primary grape in the Nus Rosso wine of the region. Outside of this region, the grape is rarely found elsewhere and is nearly extinct.
Within the larger Valle d'Aosta DOC, Vien de Nus is a permitted variety in several smaller DOC designated wines each with their own unique DOC specification on how Vien de Nus is used. These include:
Vien de Nus has been known under a variety of synonyms including Gros oriou, Gros rodzo, Gros rouge, Gros vien, Gros vien de Nus, Oriou gros, Pianta di Nus, Plant de Nus, Rouge de Fully and Rouge male d'Arvier.