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Vesoul International Film Festival of Asian Cinema

The Vesoul International Film Festival of Asian Cinema (Festival international des cinémas d'Asie) is an annual special-interest film festival focusing on the cinemas of Asia. The festival is held annually in Vesoul, France. It was created in 1995 by Martine and Jean-Marc Thérouanne who have been codirecting the festival since then.

Martine Thérouanne (far left), Jean-Marc Thérouanne (center) and Jocelyne Saab (far right) awarded the Great Medal of Francophonie in 2009

Bappaditya Bandopadhyay, Mona Zandi Haghighi, Wu Tianming, Dima Al-Joundi, Ensie Shah Hosseini (among others) were awarded in 2007

Jocelyne Saab, Niki Karimi and Safarbek Soliev, members of the 2008 jury

Hana Makhmalbaf, Marzieh Meshkini and Mohsen Makhmalbaf receiving the Cyclo d'or d'honneur in 2009

Prasanna Vithanage, Rustem Abdrashitov and Noh Young-seok receiving their award in 2009

