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Vasily Timm

Georg Wilhelm Timm, also known as Vasily Fyodorovich Timm (Russian: Василий Фёдорович Тимм; 21 June 1820, Riga - 19 April 1895, Berlin) was a Baltic-German painter, lithographer and ceramic designer, known for his genre and battle scenes. He was also the publisher of the Russian Art Gazette.

His father, Friedrich Wilhelm Timm (1779-1848), was the mayor of Riga. His sister, Emilie, married the painter Karl Bryullov in 1839. His first art studies were in Riga, then he went to Saint Petersburg, where he enrolled as a "foreign student" at the Imperial Academy of Arts. His primary instructor there was the battle painter, Alexander Sauerweid.

He was awarded two silver medals graduated in 1839 with the title of "Artist". Five years later, thanks to an Imperial scholarship, he went to Paris where he worked under the direction of Horace Vernet, also a battle painter, and made a visit to Algiers. Upon his return to Paris, he began exhibiting at the Salon where he attracted critical praise.

The onset of the French Revolution of 1848 forced him to return to Saint Petersburg, where he was initially employed as an illustrator; notably for the works of Faddey Bulgarin and Nikolay Gretsch. He worked primarily in the media of lithography and woodcuts and was sometimes referred to as the "Russian Gavarni".

He travelled extensively throughout Russia, serving as a battle painter during the second phase of the Caucasian War. In 1852, he accompanied Tsar Nicholas I on a visit to Finland . Later, he made sketches at the Siege of Sevastopol. As a result, in 1855, he was named an "Academician" by the Imperial Academy.

