Vangal is a village in the Karur district of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. It is situated 80 km (50 mi) from Tiruchirappalli and 7 miles from Karur town. Vangal is also known as Vangal-Kuppuchipalayam and Vangal Palayur.
It is one of the biggest villages (Town Panchayat) on the bank of Kavery Delta region and the width of the river in Vangal is 2 km. Other side of the river is Mohanoor.
Agriculture based farming communities around Vangal Panchayat is using Vangal as a Head Quarters for transporting their agro products such as Rice, Banana, coconut, Ground nut, Vegetables and green. Recently commercial crops such as Mango, vanilla, beetle nuts also grown in the fields of the delta region.
Government Organisations in Vangal:
Primary School, Govt. Higher Secondary School for Boys, Govt. Higher Secondary School for Girls, Primary Health Centre, Private Doctors (general Physicians), Emergency clinic, Panchayat Office, Police Station, Railway Station, Public Bus Services, Taxi service etc.
People from Vangal Village have the culture of keeping 'Vangal' as Surname/Family name. It clearly shows their endearment towards their heritage/culture. It is in practice from all the people (no religious restrictions). It was also very interesting to see the village with number of housing estates for community based groups until 18-19th Century. Later it was changed as the native people started to migrate around the globe for education, business and also settled in various places of India (Chennai, Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata etc.), Singapore, USA, UK etc.
Another group of agricultural farmers and horse traders from Kadambangurichi (Near Pugalore) have also settled in Vangal during 17th Century onwards. Their horse trading business involved to purchase horses from Madras Pattinam. They were also called as 'Mirasthar', a group of people have their surname/family name with the title 'Pattanathu' were also have hereditary links with Mirasthar. In 17th & 18th Centuries, those Mirasthars had owned large farm lands in and around Vangal and later the farms were sold to small scale agricultural farmers for the plantation of Paddy, Sugarcane, Turmeric, Chilli, Brinjal, Plantain, coconut etc...
People born in Vangal Village or have hereditary links with Vangal: